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So yeah....that was a bit more than a few days break huh. XD

Basically, Christmas Day messed up my sleep patterns again. I was hoping that this year would be different as I had really sorted that problem out last year but....it certainly reared its ugly head on me this past week. I am working on fixing this week, so please be a little patient on me while I get that sorted and back on the art wagon.

So 2021 then. I do feel this year went a lot better than 2020 despite certain pandemics still running about but as far as mental health was concerned, it was not as bad as last year. Here's hoping we get further out of that dark hole this year. Artwise, my input did improve a fair bit despite some off periods. compared to 2020. Happy with a lot of the art that I was able to draw and looking forward to what I come up with in 2022. :)

As for Christmas, definitely feel it was one of the best ones I had. Some years I look forward to the occasion, other times I've wanted it to end, but this year the kid in me kinda did not want this Christmas to end. XD

Speaking on art I know, running a little behind on the Hypno-ber, Monthly Requests and the odd commission, but I intend to get as much of that done this month. That said, those on Reward Tiers for this month, do send them my way and I will get to them as soon as the backlog is done. ;)

Here's to an even more productive 2022! :)   


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