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Yup, the biggest upgrade in this Patreon's history is now underway! Bigger than the tablet last year, hell bigger than when I first brought my laptop when Patreon was not a thing! XD

As I have explained previous, this was all made possible by a dear friend. Also mentioned, I will be moving everything from my Laptop to the new desktop which will take time (Hell, the External HDD I brought to transfer everything over is only just half done copying everything! XD) so this upcoming week will be a little bare in regards to new art content.

I will try to upload, something, during this process. It might just be updates to how the move is coming along, maybe even a Fanfic Update if I find time to multi-task.

As for today, I'm going to write how today went and bullet point subjects. If that kinda thing does not interest you, you can stop reading now. XD

Still here? Let's begin.


Most of this week was trying to get the desktop to a local computer shop as, as well as the desktop was when I got it, I missed the no Wi-Fi part and one of my IT downfalls is I'm not super comfortable opening up my tech to install new parts myself as I'm too scared of F-ing it up. That said, the shop was either closed because the guy was called out, closed early or I woke up too late, but I finally made it....yesterday. XD

10 min job and the card was all set! Was honestly expecting to come back the next day as I had other appointments to go to, but got it installed, had a quick chat about possible future upgrades (Thats a looooong time coming. XD) and carried the thing to the next town. XD


Its fast. Like really really fast.

One of the main issues I had with the laptop in recent years was pages like Deviantart and Patreon were loading so slowly and it would take ages to do a lot of things. Not an issue here.

Several programs have been installed so far and they're running great so far. As far as art goes, well...


Just the one HDMI port unfortunately, which was an issue I did not think of. The tablet and desktop do have Directport ports mine you, a port I've never used for anything before so you can imagine, I have no such cable.

Order put in from Amazon, arriving Monday. So cannot really test anything art related till then. On the subject on display...


This.....was probably a bit overkill huh. XD

4K 28 Inch display. And while the pics might not show it, its absolutely fantastic viewing 4K content on this thing! Even pics look huge to display as well! X3

A great deal too, if paying instalments  for a few months counts as great, but I'd say it is!

Course now everything that was on that top level of the desk bar the speakers barely fitting now needs a new home. More time devoted to things.


So going forward, we still need to;

*Install the rest of the programs

*Get the DP Cable for the tablet + Start on the Art related fooling around

*Transfer everything from the laptop to the desktop (Still in copying stage)

*Find a new desktop background to placing my old decade old one. XD

*Move stuff around in the room to accompany the new stuff in its place (Currently all over the place) and rearrange other stuff

*Do creative content a lot faster and more regularly

*Upgrade the desktop in the far future to install a beefy GPU, more power for that, more storage (1TB is enough for now but should really get 2TB in there.) and so on.

*Take the opportunity to try new art stuff out now I can do things like run things like Clip Studio Paint much faster

*Top secret project  

Think that will do for tonight. If you guys have any questions or tips leave a comment below. ;)

The future starts now!


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