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I did have a double update planned for today, but the first pic of the 2 took longer than expected so I'll have those posted tomorrow with any luck. 

That said, I do have some big news that probably deserves the attention. 

Today, I finally ordered a new desktop! :)

Thanks to a very generous friend of mine, I was at last able to put in an order for a new desktop which should be on its way. This should mean big things on the horizon as I won't be complaining about slow laptops anymore, thanks to 32GB of RAM instead of 4, 1TB of space over 750GB, and an SSD of 256GB to boot!

While its not the most fancy piece of kit, it will make things much smoother and unlike my laptop, open up the option of upgrades under the hood later down the line. 

That said I still need to purchase a monitor and a external harddrive to move everything from the laptop to my new PC with ease and that will come next week. After that the following month, I might upgrade the graphics card inside if I can fine a decent one for cheap for another project much overdue. ;)

Also a bit of a heads up, there might be a period of in-activity late next week as I undergo the transfer process and install my various programs to the next desktop once the monitor and HDD arrive. After that, I should have things going faster with no real hiccups other than real life stuff, be able to actually edit the homepage of my Patreon without it taking forever, and so on. 

My aim is to finish the Ashley Summer Pic and one other pic before then, so I might be focusing on those two pics mostly after tomorrow. As for donators' requests on the higher tiers, drop a message with your request and I'll get to them as soon as the new PC is ready to get working. ;) 

Change is a coming folks, and all for the better! Thank you all so much for helping me get this far over the years! 

The best is yet to come! ;)