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So at long last after sorting some things out with my work space (Such

as buying an actual chair to sit on. XD), I finally decided to start practicing with the ol' tablet, you know the one Patreon funded last year (Which once again, thank you if you support my Patreon Gallery.)

So basically I've been practicing using the tablet to get the feel for it, play around with the setting, etc, as the title will imply. I used a few pics of reference, in this case a Base by someone I had saved for so long that person's DA is deactivated. To stress out, this is NOT art stealing, this is merely PRACTICING with my tablet so I can get used to the transition from inking my drawings in Gimp with the stroke tool, to using a tablet pen for that and maybe even drawing with that.

Anyhow, if anyone has expertise with using a tablet for drawing and inking, I want you to look at these tablet practice uploads and give your opinion on them. Also advise, like settings or tutorial videos you found useful would be most appreciated as well. Another note is I used the program SAI for these. Gimp has been amazing for me

these past 9 years but it does not handle so well with tablets from what

I tried.

Hopefully this is the beginning of even better qualityart from me as well as a faster output as well. I'll probably do a couple more of these practice pics before deciding what to do next with this, but I will have a couple new art uploads real shortly as well

(They're already mostly inked, so may as well just finish those. XD). 



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