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Needless to say, June was a bit of a bust. Even my keyboard is busted. XD 

A mix of feeling under the weather, my sleep getting messed up and my anxiety once again playing a part and effecting my process and for that I apologize. 

So once again, I am slow resuming a normal update schedule. At the moment its kind of random of what I may upload but I have prepared a few Standing to Attention updates on the backburner as a sort of "break in-case of emergency " updates for when I just can't draw for whatever reason. 

The biggest news for July however is around the end of the month or early August at the latest, I might finally be getting an all new-ish desktop set up!

How is this possible on my limited budget? A very dear friend has offered to send me his spare. How cool is that?

The one drawback is it would ship from America to here, which I'm going to fund a good chunk of the shipping. Granted, its a few years old but fully upgradeable with affordable new parts should that ever be an issue but the huge draw would be 32GB of ram! That's a huuuge speed up to my pitiful 4! And of course, faster programs and such would be a big upgrade to my work output, perhaps in a bigger way that when I got my fancy tablet. 

That said, when it does get here I will need some time to set it up, organize and move files and programs over, get comfortable so I'm not nervously fearing its gonna screw up somehow, as well as buy a monitor and a big enough external harddrive to move and back up everything, so you might not see results right away but once all the hurdles are jumped over, it should really benefit content creating even moreso than ever before! :)

For now though as we wait for that to happen, please let me know your tier reward requests for July if you have not already. I know a lot of June's still need to be done but I will get to those and July's hopefully within the month (The Base ones anyway.). 

Now then, back to deciding Ashley's swimwear for this year.... ;)


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