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Pretty much explained a fair bit of what happened in May with some quiet periods and events, so I'll keep this month update somewhat short.

Speaking of disruption to updates, I do have some news regarding this weekend, I'm getting my vaccination!

Yup, after trying to book it on the website multiple times, I finally got a date book for my first jab (Saturday) and my second (Late August.). That said, no idea how my body is going t react to the first doze, so just keep in mind if there is a quiet period, its likely due to whatever temporary side effects I might experience.

Still, just glad to get this done at last. I know not everything will be fully back to normal just like that, but its a big step at least for my own well being.   

I also know I've been working on the Standing to Attention base lately, but coming next will be the start of my next projects, most notably the first of 2 commissions I've taken on outside of Patreon, and getting on with much overdue rewards, which we've gotten about 90-95% of the Base rewards done!

Speaking of, just a reminder there will be a bit of an overhaul of the tiers above $7 and better wording of the $7 and lower tiers just so they are easier to understand.

And speaking of Rewards, its that time to redeem your rewards for the month of June! Private message, comment below, you know the drill. ;)

Onwards we go to the warmer weather, as well as Ashley deciding what swimsuit to wear this year.... ;)