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Yup, another silent period which I think you know the drill, some stuff happened.

Quite a bit actually. From my sleep getting disrupted from only getting 4 hours sleep one night (That was a complete mystery to me.), to the aftermath of that, to my dad going missing for 2 hours (He was fine, just no one had any idea where he was due to a miscommunication that was no one's fault.). XD

But we're getting there. 2 more updates have been posted before this journal. The Base request pile is just 2 pics away (Bar some more complexed requests from the higher tiers) and then come June, any Base requests made should be completed in June, not after! We have come a long way in that department at least! XD

You also may of noticed I have relaunched commissions outside of Patreon. That has no effect on the Patreon rewards and will be limited to 1-2 at a time to ensure my own projects are still being worked on too.

That said, in June I will revise the Reward system a little bit. Nothing drastic, more to do with the tiers above $7 and change the wording so its more easier to understand. Not sure what day that will be, but keep that in-mind if you're above $7.

I also launched an Istagram for previews so if you have an account, give it a follow to have another place to get an alert for new art. ;)



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