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“......what's going on?” the boy Ketchum awoke to seemingly darkness. “I...can't...see....am I dead?”

Attempting to move only left Ash with no further answers. He could feel his body wiggle, but his arms remained stuck to his sides while his legs were sealed together shut. Something seemed to be around his neck preventing movement of his head.

“Can't move....mouth...stuck...”

The other plan was to try say something with his mouth, but it was stuck in a wide open hold. The boy could only speak though his thoughts. Breathing still okay, though it felt like two tiny plastic tubes were stuffing into his nostrils. Whatever the tube might product, he might have no choice but to breath it in.

“Why am I so hot...” Ash cold feel himself start to sweat under a second skin over his entire body. “Am I in...rubber?”

With what little movement his fingers had, Ash tried to rub his thighs to confirm his question. While he should not feel his skin, his fingers seemed to slide with ease, almost like against something glossy.

“Yes...this is rubber....my chest feels....heavy..........wait, before....”

Waking up some more, the boy recalled what had happened he was knocked out. Somewhere he was going but for some reason, he could not get to, something about a shop his visited and what it sold that he hate....


Yes, he was going to Celedon Gym, it was all coming back to Ash now! They would not let him into the gym because he mocked the perfume they produced. But then how did he...

“That's right....Team Rocket...”

Oh god, Team Rocket, they convinced him to go in disguise.....a disguise that was not one of his proudest moments. That cheap large orange dress, that discounted blonde wig with a free pink bow, and those half price ruby shoes.....for a girl! If it meant getting into the Gym, at least no one would know....

“Crap, she found out.....”

The Gym Leader Erika was not at all fooled by his disguise. She had two members of staff each grab an arm and escort her to the back out of sight. He recalled Team Rocket had been caught took but sent to another room, probably to another fate...


And then it happened. Erika forced a strange pink liquid down Ash's throat and instantly, it began to change him as the staff removed his dress and underwear so the humiliation changes were on full display. Limbs shrinking down in width, hips and butt expanding, his male genitalia shrinking then morphing into a new alien one (At least by Ash's knowledge.), stomach slimming, the wig fell off as real long hair sprouted and grown from his head downwards against her back, gently tickling her  now very sensitive back skin. And then the one change that seemed to confirm to Ash was what going on, those large twin round orbs growing out her chest more and more still the began to hang from her chest. Bigger than a pokeball, bigger that her hand stretched out, would they ever stop growing?!? Finally stopping at an impressive 36D cup, Ash recalled what that weight on his chest was and what he had been turned into, a one hundred percent girl.

“I'M A GIRL?!?” Ash recreated his reaction in his memories, remembering  squeezing her new breasts in a panic, only to softly  moan, then trying to find his penis which resulted to an accidental “rub” and another moan.

“Careful now.” he remembered what Erika told her before passing how. “The next step is your insides and as many test subjects have testified, it is the most pain....”

The pain came back to her, recalling holding onto her sides as her “indoor plumbing” started to change, like bending pipes with force and twisting and shaping strange new parts. The sensation sent Ash into shock, her heart beating so fast and sweat dripping down her new curves, it was all too much as Ash felt to her knees then collapsed and passed out.

“That was really real?” Ash started to struggle more violently, very feminine moans escaping her wide open mouth. “They turned me into a girl?!? Then where the hell am I?!?”

Unknown to Ash, he was indeed in a rubber suit, complete with a match hood hiding her face and hair, all shiny and a tightly suited bright pink colour now coated the formar boy who was laid out on a soft pink loveheart bed within a matching girly bedroom. Holding her in place were belt straps all around her rubbered body, keeping her legs shut, her arms stuck to her curvy sides, a choker restricting head movement and a pillow by her head for comfort. The hood drowned out all sights and sounds outside of her latex prison, not even the screeching sounds of her rubber suit could be heard.

“Damn these.....things!” Ash complained about her jiggling breasts as she struggled giving off a strange new sensation. “Okay, if I do nothing, that woman is bound to do more crazy stuff to me...but if I'm on a bed like I think I am, I don't want to try roll over, fall down from god knows what height and then crack a rib in this more fragile body...damnit, what can I do?”

“Awake now are we?” spoke a voice in Ash's ears.

“A voice?” Ash pondered. From the feeling of the voice, it felt like Ash had earphones within his ears under the hood.

“I bet this much be quite the day for you, mocking our perfume, dressing up in drag, then actually becoming a girl all in one day?” the voice continued.

With no way to respond, Ash just struggled against her restraints some more.

“I take that as a yes.” the voice in a soft welcoming gentle tone replied. “Let's try and make you relax a bit.”

Just then the tube in Ash's nose puffed air into her nostrils. It had an almost perfume like scent to it.

“There's does that feel better...Ashley?” the voice asked.

“My name's not Ashley...it's...” suddenly Ash's head started to feel numb and fuzzy from the air she inhaled. “It...feels nice...”

“That's good Ashley, that is the name you wrote down on the registration form when you came into the Gym after all.”

“Yes, but that was only.....you're right.....it was.......” Ashley found it hard to argue to the voice, her will starting to fade away as more of the weird gas puffed through the tubes.

“Mistress Erika recommended you take a little therapy session you learn your place.”

“Did she....I suppose that can't hurt....” Ashley almost smiled under her hood.

“Very good, now just follow my words, slowly inhale and then exhale when I tell you.”

“Breath in.............breath out.”

“Breath in.............breath out.”

“Breath in............................breath out.”

The latex clad girl did exactly as instructed, feeling much more calm and relaxed thanks to the soft tone of the voice. The bed now feeling more like a soft cloud around her while to the rubber had no longer even crossed her mind.

“I want you to figure a rectangular box shape with your mind. Do you see it?”

“Yes...” Ashley answered in her thoughts as her imagination created the shape.

“Now put yourself inside of the box. There is now a window for you to see outside the box. Create many more box shapes of the same size a short distance from your box. They all have people inside all standing to attention.”

“Other....people?” Ashley looked curious.

“The boxes are all on a shelf, much like your box. There are two more rows above and below the shelf. What does it look like?”

“Looks almost....like.....a toy store.....” Ashley recalled seeing a section of a toy store like this in her childhood.

“The colour of the boxes and part of this area is one dominate colour, a bright colour most associated with you. Picture the boxes changing to that colour.”

Without any real thought, the boxes in Ashley's head turned into a bright colour. With no instruction, the featureless people inside morphed into a more feminine, blonder, girlier shape.

“This is....the girl's doll section!” Ashley blushed. “I can't be here...I'm a....I'm a....”

More gas pumped into her system, dissolving her fears.

“This is a girl's doll section of a toy store. It has many identical dolls in different colouring, similar hair style depending on their theme, some even come with accessories.....”

“That's....for girls....I'm.......a boy.......” Ashley attempted to protest some more, only to be met with more gas.

“If you were a boy, you would not hang around here....”

“That's....true....” agreed Ashley.

“So that must mean, you are a girl, a beautiful female.”

“I suppose....I must be...”

“And if you are in a box as well, then you must be...”

The voice did not finish her sentence. Instead, a reflection in the window appeared before Ashley, a pretty lady with gorgeous golden yellow hair starring back at her with a permanent ruby smile and lashes that stretched for miles. Her face given a make over, frozen in a happy state without even a blink.

“I'm a....doll?” Ashley was astonished how she looked, butterflies fluttering in her tummy from what she was wearing that was all brand new to her. A small bright pink top that showed off her cleavage and her now slimmer tummy, a short white skirt giving her the freedom that pants or even shorts had never offered her before, and the long hairless legs that stretched so long and slender, completed with long pink Jigglypuff shocks and pink high heels...goodness, she was in high heels! A love heart necklace hung from her neck, and was that pink nail vanish on her longer nails? If Team Rocket suggested this get up earlier, she would not have been caught dead in it, now she absolutely adored herself.

“You like what you see?” the voice asked.

“I do...but I'm really a doll...?”

“Do you not noticed your shiny silicone body?”

Upon looking at herself again, her skin did look like it was made of silicone, it was much more shiny than regular skin.

“But why...a doll....?” Ashley pondered.

“A doll? Why not a doll? Dolls can not act on there own, because they don't have to! Why worry about even the little things like breathing or blinking when you don't even have to lift a finger? One one person makes to feel alive, and that is your owner.”

“My owner?”

“The person that looks after you, the person that makes you come alive not through magic but by doing everything for you! And every day with owner is playtime! Playtime feels good, playtime is fun, playtime is anything your owner imagines. You could be sipping tea at a Kalos cafe, cooking a meal for a handsome guest, riding a fancy car across the world! All without the restrictions of reality!”

“Playtime....fun....” Ashley at this point feeling so derpy from the gas, her head was open to anything. “Wanna be played...”

At that moment, a young girl that looked like a giant in Ashley's eyes picture up her box, starring at her, them smiling as she took her new doll away.

“Seems we already found you an owner!” the voice pointed out. “Do you want to be played with?”

“Yes! Please yes!”


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