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....yeah, I didn't intend for that news post  promised with the Dolly-palooza to take over a week to make. ^^; 

Yup, another quiet spell and I agree with you, these are becoming too irregular. Just another of those cases when I have to be up early for something, it really impacts my sleep and thus, my content output gets effected as I'm one of those types who's mostly creative at night. I can rarely draw or write a thing during the day.

So what's to be done about it, especially if I have to be up early again this morning?

This wasn't a step I wanted to take as I know it can come with side effects for some people as well as depression, but I've just began talking sleeping pills just yesterday to deal with my on again off again sleep schedule.

Firstly don't worry, I'm sticking to the recommended dosage. Last night was my first trial run and I think it helped a little. I got a decent amount of sleep at the time of day I wanted, needed a couple more hours but I still felt more refreshed when I did wake up. I at least don't feel mentally exhausted not to write up this news post and whatever I plan on making tonight so I would think at least that is a good start. We'll see how further nights go on the meds.

So as you guessed, I'll be making a slow start on kicking and starting up the content factory again next week, or even tonight if possible. My apologies again that this keeps happening, but I am trying as hard as I can to make this less of an issue hence the sleep medication.

Regards to the Sex Dolls last week, I'm close to getting the overdue Sex Dolls pile out the way so that when a new month of requests arrives, I can actually get those done on the month they're requested but more importantly, give more time to the non-base rewards that have been kind of stacking up and over-shadowed by the Sex Dolls.

In-fact, those 6 dollies were done in 1 night! 1 night before my sleep became an issue again and it might even be how I approach the Sex Dolls going forward, getting a bunch done in 1 night rather than one for each Double Update Day. Might cost me creative time for a $2 update when I do, but it will benefit the reward system much better.

Righto, think thats everything I wanted to say thus far. Let's get back to work.  



I feel so bad for you bud. I hope you start to get back on track with sleep soon so you can spend more time with those you care about as well as continuing to make awesome content for you and us to enjoy! Thanks for all you've done so far and keep it up!