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If you have not seen them already, the Tuesday and Thursday double updates were posted before the monthly update journal so be sure to check those out. 

Apologies for the delayed updates too. Figures the one week I managed to have every update day posted for a change, the following week would bring a slice of hell. XD Well, nothing drastic, just my old folks deciding on the fly to do some DIY and asking my help, then Wednesday truly being hell when I had to help my dad out with another huge technical thing with only an hour of sleep, nothing connecting to the Internet to accept this Zoom call he was meant to take part in and me nearly breaking down from lack of sleep and not being about to figure out what was wrong. @_@

The plan for this week was for Monday to be this Monthly Update journal, Tuesday and Thursday the regular Double Updates, and even Wednesday post a poll, but that poll will be done here just coz. 

At least February was a better month than January in terms of updates, I felt I got tons done at least. As you might of noticed, I have being doing a lot of the Base type rewards lately, and that's mainly to get that list of Reward I owe down to a much more smaller pile and the good news is we are pretty close to that! So real soon, I will get back to the Non-Base rewards and heck, if we completely empty the Base rewards list, that could even mean more time for the Non-base rewards and get em done faster. ;)

Also there is one more occasion coming up, Satoko Day, so there will be an upload for that but once done we will return to our poor Sailor Moo who's just begging to be milked. X3 

Interestingly, there have been a good number of new Donators at the start of the month after I posted the Ashley GIFs which did get me wondering if I should do more GIFs more often. 

Hence why I had the idea of a poll for Wednesday, usually my "Anything goes" day off from posting. So I will try for regular polls on Wednesdays so I can get you guys' feedback and you can be even more involved with decision making. :) If you want to see all of my current GIF animations, I'll leave the Tag in the Tags to check em out. ;)

One other thing I've been pondering is my next big Preview Gallery or Platform thingy I should open up next to promote myself and/or help us all in the longrun. 

Here are the sites I'm considering. 

1. Discord. 

I remember asking about this a long while ago and it proved to be a pretty positive response. Problem is, I was not sure if it would be a distraction or not from my work but I had an idea in mind. 

Namely, for the time being, make it just a place for alerting you guys when a new Patreon update is posted. Then perhaps when I get a moderator or 2, open it up for chat and developing a community among us donators. 

2. Instagram

I've seen in the past this has been a most recommended site for advertising one's art, and while the posts would be similar to the Facebook Group (i.e not showing much skin) I think it would at least be worth a shot. 

3. Reddit  

This one I'm the most unsure of, but I have seen other artists have a page on that. 

4. Subscribestar Adult

This would be a 3rd place to post my Patreon works, not as a replacement for Patreon, but merely a back up for Patreon as Patreon can be a tad bit unpredictable at times. Pixiv Fanbox has been very good to be and a decent way to advertise to Asian countries, however they are a little strict on the whole "censor pants" area, and while I don't know if Subscribstar has any big flaws like that, again having a back up for those that would rather not deal with Patreon or if anything happened to my Patreon would be helpful I reckon. 

What do you guys things, do any of these sites/platforms appeal to you? Let me know in the comments so my decision can sway in a favored direction. ;) I might even poll that as well, but already have 1 poll this week. 

And of course, those in the $7 or more Reward tier, please let me know what you would like for the month of March if you havent told me already. 

Think that's about it, now onto the poll!



Are you enjoying my GIF Animations so far? Are you interested in seeing them on a more regular basis as I do have a good number of sexy ideas. :)


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