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Looks like I hit my target for this year faster than I thought! XD

Granted, I think Patreon has changed the way it calculates how many folks are donating to ya in one month, but still its nice to see that 3 digit number. 

Guess I'll have to alt. my target, either to 100 on a regular basis or screw it, 150. XD

With that out the way, I once again apologize that last month got a bit disjointed as I was unwell and had a buggered sleep schedule during that. I have at least felt a lot better today actually, which is saying a lot after yesterday. 

My sister came round for a family visit....and then would not leave till way past midnight! Even insisting I walk her home because "poor old Lapras doesn't do anything", the usual. That said, as she is a really chatterbox I had the most pounding headache when I got home and by then, it was too late to do anything creative, even if it was just the monthly update journal. 

The headache even was still there when I woke up, but a little me time, Ibuprofen, and even a takeaway I was feeling very much back to normal. Hence why the 2 art pieces I worked on tonight turned out pretty awesome. 

That said, there is an important matter I want to bring up which regards to Donators' Rewards on the $7 and up tiers. 

Nothing drastic, but I want into add a rule. 

From now on, when you make request choice, you have only 1 month to change your mind on that reward request. After that month, you won't be able to change your mind on that request. 

So say you make a request in February. You'll only have till the 28th to change your mind if you want say a different character or scenario. Once March 1st comes in, that February reward cannot be changed, its set in stone for when I start drawing it. After that if you want something different, you'll have to make your new idea your March Reward.  

I'm sorry if it sounds odd, its just I have had a couple on donators waiting on rewards suddenly change their mind and want a different character or the like and I have to look through a long list looking for said reward to cross it out and then have to somehow write in the new changed request which adds a little stress on my end and effects my energy to draw and write at times, especially my forgetful nature and having to remember what rewards or updates come next.

I know I know, it sounds a little weird, but the more stress/anxiety I can avoid, the less times I lose the energy to draw. And hey, that in turn would get the rewards done faster, right? ;)

And speaking of rewards, you know the drill. Get your Feb requests in if you have not already! ;)

Here's to a much more content filled February with any luck...speaking of, wonder what that Sinnoh trio will be to this Valentines? ;) 



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