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Oh boy, where to start with this? XD

I suppose the story snippit for the main image.

"Hey Usagi, I brought you a pack of ds since you're always a cryb!" Chibiusa mocked Usagi.

"I'M NO B!" Usagi hissed at the little girl. "How the heck were you expecting me to fit into diapers for a B anyway?!?"

And now onto the explanation.

So since the first Usagi AR pic, I've kinda wanted to turn that into a small story as a set of images and with each pic I've told that story, just out of order. Until now, as this pic is chronologically part one, the beginning.

As for why New Character Sunday has been missing in action for months, this pic is mostly to blame. It got frustrating to make with many details, me getting used to the new tablet and the poses, then soon other real life events happened so it got put off for months and months to the point where I was considering scrapping it and moving onto something else for NCS. Cut to now, and I've been feeling more refreshed for content creating as of late so it seemed like the ideal mindset to come back to this and get it into some kind of presentable form. There are errors, but those will be fixed when coloured so far down the line.

And then we come to the other pics.

These were so close to being uploaded months ago, but for some reason, I got a warning message on the post upload screen about Mature Uploads and I though it was something to do with the pics. So that got cancelled and I moved onto the first part pic instead.

Then when I tried to upload the finished Ranma Auction pic, the same warning came up. I discovered, if your Artist's Description contained certain words, it will trigger a warning. Which means future story snippets will have to contain less....bad words to say the least.

But hey, 3 AR pics for the price of one NCS. And New Character Sunday being back for that matter! So its a win win! That said, I might ignore the rules of NCS for a little while (1 franchise and fetish per 10 pics, i.e a Volume.) just so I don't get burnt out again and keep the train going. I mean hell, we're so close to New Character Sunday number 100! Let's get our butts to that landmark!



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