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Boy, this was overdue huh. XD

Apologies for the gap in the last update. Seems the moment I get back to my drawing ways, a few distractions from before my dad's stroke happened also returned. ^^; 

Either way, there's a triple update today, be sure to catch that. ;)

Speaking of my dad, he's pretty much back to his normal ways. He can go to the shops by himself and do various things he used to. A little slower and bit less energy, but he's doing pretty good. His ultimate goal is to start working again in January so we'll see how that goes but I think that's the last real big update there is to share. The experience was a scary but learning one. Much like my dad, I have to also make little changes too as I don't know how long my folks could be around for. That indeed was a reminder. 

As I mentioned before, and my apologies this was a late announcement, but November is Double Rewards month to make up for the lacking September and October months, and my birthday falls on the 30th too. ;)

If you are on a reward tier, leave both your reward requests in the comments below or a direct message to me and they'll be added to the list of requests I need to do in the $5 Premium Content updates. ;) 

Think that's all the news I have for this month. 2020's nearly over! Lets get to my birthday and Christmas next! X3


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