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Posted an update before this one, so be sure to check it out if you missed it. 

Ahh yes, another quiet spell. Sorry about that. 

Originally when writing this monthly update I had no news regarding my father but today that changed. 

My father should be coming home on the 14th. 

With that said, there will be a final dash to get everything ready, namely getting the handrail installed for the stairs, getting his new bed delivered and set up, and various other small things. After the 14th, it should be a matter of my father settling in and seeing exactly what he can and can't do by himself and aiding him when he needs it but given the great progress he's made, he might not even need too much help. 

That said, I would say from here till the 19th-ish might see some disruption of content creating, which I know is a bit of a bummer but I'm hopeful by after that date, things should start to return normal a bit more and heck, if my dad's so confident he could return to working in a few months then it might even end up being like nothing even happened. Course we'll have to see how it goes, but either way, its good he's coming home and I thank you all again for your support, best wishes and being ever so patient with new art and rewards. 

One other thing I want to get out the way are commissions outside of Patreon (i.e not Donators' Rewards). Once Dancer Ashley is done, aside from the chibi heads I will be free of art commissions at last. Once that happens, the prices of commissions are going to be adjusted by quite a fair bit as well, considering I have no idea what state my father will be in going forward when he comes home or if he'll even work again, how much my art has also improved in the last year or so, and the whole experience making me realize even more that my folks won't be around forever that I got to start clearing debt and start making a nest to fall back on if anything happened to them, it makes sense that commissions can't be as cheap as they used to be. 

I want to stress this out, this WILL NOT have any impact on the Patreon tiers. Those will remain the same, especially if you are on Reward Art Tiers. It is merely the art commissions outside of Patreon that are changing. Besides, it will mean that if I have less art commissions, I can finally be free to do more of my own art ideas which maybe finally can mean more stuff that isn't just Ashley. XD

Speaking of Reward Tiers, don't forget to calm your rewards for October! Maybe you have a ghoulish Halloween idea you wanna see done so I have something fort the 31st? XD Or maybe just more dollies, its all good. XD

Getting there slowly but surly donators, stay safe! <3   


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