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Dawn awoke from an unexpected slumber, feeling a chill throughout her body as her eyes slowly opened. As her head was rebooting, she slowly recalled walking down the hallway of a hotel she was standing in till someone snuck up behind her and clothed her mouth. She remembered the cloth was damp, soaked with a powerful substance that made her sleepy almost immediately, before she collapsed into her captor's arms sound asleep, completely knocked out. Her eyes opened, Dawn saw she was laid out on a bed in a room similar to her own hotel room but it looked slightly more fancy, like it was one upgrade higher then her room. To her dismay however, Dawn found she was not only tied to the bed, her arms and legs spread out in a forced spread eagle position, but she was also naked! All her clothing was missing from her boots and soaks, leaving her bare footed, to even her trademark hat and yellow hair clips, her hair left laid out on her back as well as her twin front hair tails laid down against her sides. A struggle or two against her binds confirmed to Dawn there was no way out of her situation. Laying there, she wondered who could have done this to her. Could her best friend Zoey have some kind of bondage capture fetish and wanted to try it out with her, could this of been some kind of Team Rocket plot to nab her Pokemon and her money and leave her this way or even Jessie have her way with her, or could Kenny of had enough of being rejected from her so much that he was going to take matters...a little too extreme?

As her captor entered the room, it was a surprise to Dawn that none of these possibilities was the reality.

“Hey Dawwwn!” Her captor grinned as she entered.

“Ursula?!?” Dawn was utterly shocked, then blushed bright red as she realized she was completely naked in font of her. “W-What is this? Why am I tied up like this?!?”

“Oh a lot of possible reasons really.” Ursula explained, walking towards the bound Dawn. “Perhaps I'm tired of you beating me in contests, maybe I just want you out the way for the next contest, or how about I'm sick and tired of your goodie two shoes let's be friends with everyone attitude, or how about I just wanna make you suffer and have my fun with you.......or maybe deep down, I'm just a real bitch.”

To prove how mean she said she was, Ursula pinched hard at one of Dawn's nipples, causing Dawn to yell in pain.

“Owwwww, that hurt!” Dawn moaned. “Look let me go Ursula! I can scream pretty loud and I'm sure someone will hear...”

“Hear and see what a sick pervert you are?” Ursula finished. “Do you think Ash or Brock would look at you in the same light if they saw you like this? Or what about a Contest Judge or Coordinator? Your reputation would be shattered and deny it as much as you want, I have a way of twisting and spreading words Dawn. They'll all see you as a pervert who likes this sort of thing, who loves to be tied up and played around with. Do you really want that?”

“N.....no.” Dawn replied, feeling all hope at escape was lost. “What are you going to do to me?”

“Have some fun.” Ursula answered as she started to undress out of her white and light blue dress. “A lot of those possibilities of why I had you captured were true, and I know one way I can really stick it right in your face and get a real high off of it!”

As her dress dropped to the floor and she stepped out of it, Ursula unhooked her bra to release her breasts from their holding, dropping the undergarment onto the floor as well, then the curly redhead pulled down her Gabite panties to her feet, leaving her as naked as her bound rival. The twisted haired girl got onto the bed with Dawn on all fours, but laid her body closely to Dawn's, close enough that her breasts stroked against Dawn's own, causing Dawn's heart to beat so hard and her eyes widen from the shock of having Ursula this uncomfortably close to her, made worst by the fact they were both naked.

“You do have a nice body Dawn.” Ursula complimented her rival. “But rather then do fiendish things with it, you're going to do the hard work for me.”

“Hard work? What do you..” Dawn asked as Ursula sat up on her knees, kneeled closely to Dawn's head.

“Eat it.” Ursula spoke.


“Eat my pussy Dawn.” Ursula commanded.

“You're out of your mind! I'm not gonna...” Dawn was interrupted as Ursula lowered herself onto Dawn's face, connecting her pussy mouth with Dawn's speaking mouth. “Mmph!”

“You're not getting a say in this Dawn. Now eat my goddamn pussy!”

Unable to speak, Dawn just shook her head the best she could in protest.

“If you don't eat my pussy, I can pinch something else of yours. I wonder how hard my fingernails can hurt that innocent little clit of yours?”

Dawn felt trapped more then ever. On the one hard, she did not want Ursula to pinch her most sensitive area, her sore nipples were testament to how hard the crazy redhead could pinch. On the other hand, she had someone's womanhood pressed down on her mouth which grossed her out. Not only the foul taste of another woman's vagina that was filling her mouth, but with Dawn's nose so close, the strong stench of Ursula's pussy was filling her nostrils and not knowing whether or not someone's male genitalia or such had been in there or not caused more disgust for the coordinator. With no other option, Dawn stuck her tongue forwards into Ursula's lovehole.

“Ahhh, there we go!” Ursula felt pleasure from Dawn's tongue moving around inside of her. “L-Little fast if you please!”

Dawn tried the best she could, licking in circular motions inside of the twisted girl's love tunnel walls as fast as she could, while Ursula rubbed her throbbing clit against Dawn's nose. This continued for a good while before some of the redhead's love nectar ran down Dawn's mouth. The bound coordinator tried her best not to swollow but she knew Ursula was not going to get off her anytime soon so she had no choice but to take a big gulp of pussy juice down her throat.

“This is so humiliating!” Dawn thought to herself as her eyes produced tears. She could see Ursula was not caring how she felt, riding her face as she played with her breasts while looking down with her with a combination of grins and moans. A little while later however, Ursula got off of Dawn.

“Okay that's enough.” Ursula got off the bed with a wet string of her juices connected from her pussy to Dawn's tongue, while Dawn's mouth was also wet all around of her juices. “You're rubbish at this Dawn and I know why. There's zero passion in your pussy licking.”

“Well what do you expect?!?” Dawn moaned. “You take me hostage, tied me up naked against my will and expect ME to lick your vagina like you're my lover?!?”

“True I guess, I did think getting off from humiliating you would be enough to make me cum but I think we're going to need a little more help.” Ursula took a Pokeball out of her scattered dress. “And I have just the Pokemon to help!”

Releasing the Pokemon inside the Pokeball, Ursula revealed the Pokemon Hypno to Dawn, standing next to her and the bed.

“W-Wait, you don't mean...!” Dawn looked in shock at the Pokemon, knowing full well what Hypno were famous for.

“Hypno, use Hypnosis!” Ursula commanded.

“Hypno!” the Pokemon replied as it swung it's pendulum back and forth to launch it's attack directly on Dawn's eyes.

“Nnoooo!” Dawn yelled as she started to feel dizzy in a daze. Her eyelids becoming more heavy and half open like she was sleepy. Her mind started to numb as all independent thought came to a screeching halt, turning it into a blank canvases open to any suggestion or command. “So hard......can't.....think....”

“AHHAHAHA!” Ursula laughed. “Your airhead is nothing more then putty in my hands!”

“Air...head.....” Dawn muttered. “ Putty...mind....”

With that, Dawn completely froze bar her breathing, looking up at the ceiling with a blank expression as she awaited a command.

“Alright, let's get you off the bed.” Ursula began to untie Dawn's wrists then her ankles before helping Dawn off the bed by pulling her up. The entranced girl just stood to attention in front of Ursula with no thought or care for her nudity any longer. With her hands on Dawn's shoulders, Ursula pushed down to force Dawn down on her knees with her head in eyesight of the crazy redhead's vagina. “Now, you're going to do anything I order you to do at this point. Is that understood?”

“Yes.” Dawn spoke.

“You will refer to me as Mistress for a start.”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Good. Now whenever you are in a hypnotic state, you will adore and worship me. You like love me more then any person you care about or anything you ghold dear.”

“Yes Mistress.”

“In general, you will love everything about me. My cruel ways, my Pokemon, my naked body, and so on, but there is one thing you will have the upmost desire for the most, my pussy. Looking at it and thinking about it will be enough to make you horny and aroused. You want to eat it so badly, you love the taste and scent that it makes, you want to lick every inch of it and taste my clitoris as if it were your own one, and most of all, you starve of my sweet tasty pussy juice. You will beg me to allow you to eat my pussy, the longer you go without it the more you'll play with yourself in anticipation. Is that understood?”

“Yes...Mistress.....AAHHH!” Dawn's jaw and tongue suddenly hung open like a panting Mightyana, while her nipples started to harden. “C-Can I eat your pussy Mistress?”

“Not yet.” Ursula replied as a tease. Dawn then grabbed both her breasts and began to fondle them.

“Mmmmm.” Dawn moaned as she groped her breasts, stopping to lick one of her nipples as well. “Can I now Mistress?”

“Nope.” Ursula grinned, watching her rival become such a horny slut.

“Oooooohhhhhhh!!!” Dawn took away one hand from a breast and then began to masturbate. “P-Please Mistress, let me eat you pussy! AAAAHHH!”

“How badly do you want it?” Urula continued to tease.

“Ohhh, so badly.” Dawn moaned as her fingers rubbed faster at her vagina. “I want my sloppy wet tongue all over it, I want to drink your sweet juices, I want you to cum all over me so I can rub you heavenly pussy juice all over my non-deserving body!!! AAAAHHH AAAAAAAAHHHHH!”

“Well...alright then.” Ursula finally granted her slave permission.

“Oh thank you Mistress!” Dawn looked so happy. She stopped playing with herself and started to move her head forward towards the very same womanhood that just a moment ago she dreaded to pleasure. As of now however, she could not live without that vagina in her mouth a moment longer. With both hands placed behind Ursula's ass, Dawn pushed her face into her mistress's vagina in full contact, and latched her mouth onto in like a hungry baby being nursed by it's mother.

“Oooh my!” Ursula let out a big open smile as she could feel Dawn worming around inside of her. “YES, t-that more....AAAHHH!”

From what felt average before, Ursula could feel Dawn putting a hundred percent effort into servicing her womanhood. Dawn was reaching deep inside of her ensure not an inch of her love tunnels were being missed. She rubbed her nose against Ursula's pulsating clitoris ensure that got attention as well while Dawn's own moans of arousal vibrated against her Mistress and felt throughout her body.

“AAHHHHH YES!” Ursula played with her breasts, groping them hard. “Y-YOU'RE SO GOOD WHEN YOU WA....AHHHH!”

“Mmmmmmmm.” Dawn responded he only way she could with her mouth being full. Knowing her twisted Mistress was pleased only made her lick and suck faster and faster, hoping that orgasm was not far off.


Sure enough, Ursula let out her most powerful orgasm in her life yet, squirting what felt like galloons of her juices into Dawn's mouth which filled the blue haired trainer's cheeks so quickly that excess juice drool out her mouth and downward over her body, to which Dawn rubbed all over herself.

“Ohhhh....Arceus!” Ursula's weakened knees made her fall down on them, her womanhood dripping of her own nectar. “THAT...WAS...AMAZING!”

“Could I eat your pussy some more?” Dawn asked still having her Mistress's cum dripping from her chin.

“You most certainly can!” Ursula turned round and positioned herself on all fours with her ass in front of Dawn. “Dig in!”

For the next several hours, Dawn made Ursula orgasm over and over and all over her, switching to different positions every time. From all fours, to sitting on Dawn's mouth, to sixty nining each other, there was no position Ursula left out while Dawn had such dedication to her sexy work, never slowing down or having a rest. As far as she was concerned, this was her reason for being, to pleasure her Mistress by eating her most delicious vagina and drinking the sweet love juice as well as soaking her whole body with it. By the final hour, Ursula could not even move, feeling like her mind was about to be lost in her arousal as her heart raced like crazy to jiggle her chest while Dawn could every pussy squirt that came out of her Mistress with her mouth.

Once Ursula's body could not handle any more, she told Dawn to stop from a puff of her heavy breath. Her body soaked in her sweat while her head was having a really bad hair day with curls all over the place. Dawn was the same almost as she crawled up the bed to lay next to her Mistress. Her body instead completely soaked in pussy juice from her constant orgasm drinks and her own hair extreme scruffy caused by her own orgasms. Once rested enough, Ursula could finally turn her head and looked at her entranced slave.

“This really is amazing.” Ursula smiled. “I'm so lucky to have a slave who is an expert cunt eater.”

“Thank you Mistress.” Dawn smiled back.

“There is the problem however of leaving you like this. Nobody will believe that you just willingly became my lover, let alone slave, especially that Zoey bitch or those fools you travel with sticking their noses into my business.”

“But I love you with all my being Mistress!”

“Yes, cept you won't feel that way once I snap you out of that hypnosis and.....ah ha!” A light bulb lit up above Ursula's curled head. “If I leave a few hypnotic commands in your subconscious, all I'd have to do is say a word and then you'll go back and forth between being hypnotized and being yours!”

“Mistress is so clever!” Dawn applauded her.

“More then you that's for certain!”

A few pasted after that “sexnotized” encounter. It was the day of another Sinnoh League Contest and Dawn was happily preparing herself early for her performance. She had no memory over what transpired during her hypnotic encounter with Ursula, for all she knew she just fell asleep the whole time, yet found that she needed to shower right away when she awoke, smelling like she had just played with herself for hours and her hair reacting to it only the scent smelt a little different. She had wondering if she had fondled herself in her sleep because Dawn also had no memory of masturbating that day, an act she rarely does in the first place.

Dawn was sat by a dresser in a private changing room brushing her hair and already dressed in her pink dress. Already with four ribbons, she could not wait to earn her fifth hence why she decided to prepare a little early.

“All done!” Dawn smiled at her reflection. “I can't wait to win my last ribbon!”

“Well you'll have to wait because this one's mine!” Ursula walked into the room.

“Oh, Ursula!” Dawn was surprised to see her rival. “You're competing in the contest too?”

“Well duh.” Ursula spoke. “I'm hardly here to watch one of your lame performances.”

“Oh whatever.” Dawn stood up annoyed. “I'm finished here anyway.”

Dawn started to walk past Ursula to leave. Just as she got to the door however, Ursula uttered her slave's trigger word.


Hearing those words from Ursula's lips made Dawn froze still and her head go blank once more. She turned around to look at her Mistress stood at attention and back in her mind controlled state. As per her instruction whenever Ursula uttered that word, Dawn began to undress by unzipping the back of her dress and letting it drop to the floor while her feet were busy slipping out of her shoes and socks. Already braless, her breasts were already on display for Ursula's pleasure while Dawn undid and dropped her yellow hair clips to the floor. Finally, the blue haired coordinator pulled down her Piplup panties then stepped out of the pile of her clothes to present her naked body to her Mistress.

“How splendid.” Ursula grinned. “You may go under my dress and eat my pussy. It has to be a quick one since we don't have much time but there's a surprise waiting for you inside!”

“Thank you Mistress!” Dawn wasted no time to get down on all fours and crawl into the underneath and inside of Ursula's light blue dress. As promised, a surprise was waiting for Dawn, a pair of black lingerie panties coating her Mistress's private area, twin long black stockings around her legs and a garter belt holding them up. “Oh Mistress, you look so delicious under here!”

“Well, figured you deserve a.....TREAT!” Ursula moaned as Dawn forwarded her head against Ursula's underwear and stood a great deep sniff of her Mistress's scent. “Oooo, someone's frisky todayyyyyyy, ahhhhh!”

Eager for her Mistress, Dawn continued to rub her face all over fabric like a Skitty rubbing its face against it's owner's hand. Using her teeth, then horny entranced trainer used her teeth to pull down the panties enough to expose Ursula's pussy and as soon as she did, Dawn once more buried her mouth and face into her mistress's never regions, serving her again with licking and slurping sucking motions.

“YESSSS.” Ursula moaned in pleasure. “You certainly....SERVE....your Mistress well!!!”

Just then, the door to the room opened again as Ash's head poked in.

“Hey Dawn, you....oh, hey Ursula.” the boy trainer spoke, unaware his friend was hidden under Ursula's dress. “Have you seen Dawn?”

“Oh.....” Ursula blushed, trying her best to keep a straight face as Dawn was still serving her pussy with no way to tell her slave to stop without Ash finding her. “I.......THINK, she....WENT to the bathroo.....AAAHHHH!”

“Say, are you alright?” Ash asked as he thought Ursula was acting funny.

“Y-YES!!!” Ursula moaned. “J-J-JUST....GOOOOOOO!”

“Okay, jeez...” Ash began to leave to look for his friend but not before uttering. “Man, girls are weird...”

The moment the door slammed shut, Ursula no longer held back, letting out an almighty roar as she came into Dawn's mouth. The blue haired slave ensured not a drop was wasted, drink the juices of the girl she worshipped and even her busy fingers in her own love pot let out an orgasm from her pussy, causing her once perfect hair to become scruffy.

“O-Okay, out you come...” Ursula commanded. Dawn emerged from under Ursula's dress, her face looking red hot from being under there and from her own personal orgasm with her face all sticky from Ursula's own honey while her hair looked as scruffy as it did in the mornings when she woke up. “My, you look a mess.”

“Yes I do Mistress.” Dawn agreed, never daring to disagree with her Mistress.

“And I trust you're masturbating every night at three am as I instructed within your subconscious?” Ursula's grinned.

“Yes Mistress, and only thinking of you as I re-enter my hypnotized state at every three am.”

“Nicely done. Well, we better get you back to normal then. Go dress yourself again.”

Dawn did as she was told, returning to her pile of clothes and redressing herself in her underwear, pink dress and shoes and socks. Once fully dressed, she awaited further commands.

“After the contest is over, you're to come to my room this evening where we'll do some more sexy things together.” Ursula commanded.

“Yes Mistress.” Dawn confirmed.

“Lick your face clean.”

Dawn licked the cum off her face and lips the best she could with her tongue while wiping the rest with her hand then sucking it off her hand.

“You know what, you can stay the mess you are.” Ursula giggled at the thought of Dawn going out like that. “But you will not notice the way you look and deny looking a mess if anyone asks. As normal, you will forget everything that happened just now when you were hypnotized the moment I say your trigger word, understand?”

“Yes Mistress, I look forward to this evening!”Dawn smiled excitedly.

“You won't for awhile, CUNT!” Ursula spoke to change Dawn back and with hearing that word, Dawn blinked her eyes as she was back to normal.

“....huh.” Dawn wondered. “What's this funny taste in my mou....ahh it doesn't matter.”

Dawn opened the door to exit where Ash and Brock were waiting for her.

“Oh hey guys, I'm ready!” Dawn smiled as if nothing had just happened though as far as she was aware nothing did.

“Say Dawn, did you not brush your hair?” Brock looked puzzled.

“Of course I did Brock, I brushed it repetitively.” Dawn replied.

“And did you eat something funny, your breath smells as well.” Ash thoughtless as ever commented.

“Not it does not.” Dawn stomped off ahead slight annoyed.

As the trio left, Ursula was again keeping a straight face, but this time trying not to laugh, sniggering and looking forward to watching Dawn's performance for a change. Just then, Zoey entered the room to get changed.

“What's so funny?” Zoey asked, curious to what joke Ursula was keeping to herself.

“Ohh...it's nothing you.......CUNT!” Ursula once again used the trigger word, only this time, Zoey stood still to attention as she became entranced. “Ohh I am such a greedy bitch!”

“Yes you are Mistress.” Zoey began to undress out of her clothing.

“Better to be a greedy bitch then one of my pussy slaves!” Ursula laughed, ready for another “lunch.”

The End?


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