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.....so yeah, too long of a silence from me, even though I was meant to be uploading Classic Uploads while I work out the next tablet. ^^;

Welp, 5 Classic Uploads have been uploaded so be sure to see those. 

But onto the more important matter, how it the new tablet coming along?

Pretty decently, despite me being me. ^^;

So to start, I had a play around with the tablet, mainly just scribbles at first then diving deep into settings, namely getting the pen pressure just right as well as getting it to work into Sai, hotkeys (Still unfinished), and so on, which also included a few youtube videos on suggestions and such. 

Then it came to drawing....and I think I got a little overwhelmed at this point. I guess a little bit uncertain if anything I draw with this rather pricey tablet would be any good or go the way I wanted, all the while this big huge tablet was slap bang right in front of me on my desk almost intimidating me. XD

Soon enough, got the courage to start drawing, and that's what you all see before you, the very first sketch drawn with the new tablet!

I think it turned out pretty well, but what do you guys think? Do you reckon its a step up from my pre-new tablet art? Any and all advice/feedback is welcomed as it is the future going forward. Have to say, it feels so much nicer drawing on a screen tablet over a non-screen one. It feels so much more natural seeing my hand as I draw instead of relying on just looking at my laptop screen and it is a really good build of tablet as well!

So what now? Well, I have 1 more sketch I want to draw, then we can begin maybe colouring both Ashley and the other sketch to see how much improvement colour will have under the new tablet (Which I must say, is brighter than my laptop so getting colours more right should be interesting. ;) Hopefully updates this well will be more progress-y than just Classic Uploads or as was the case, silence. XD

But yes, onto the next sketch! :)



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