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My apologies for the sudden absense first of all. 

When I ran into that issue with the latest New Character Sunday pic which meant it could not be uploaded and then I promised a whole bunch of things to make up for it well....the whole thing threw me off a bit.

This was the first time a finished Inked sketch had to be cancelled on this Patreon which surprised me and had me wondering just what was I going to do with it. Long story short, the pic will be uploaded somewhere someday, thats all I can really say about it. ^^; 

So starting today I did a bit of a reset and resumed on a schdule again starting with the Ashley and Delia Premium pic to get me going, and then tomorrow should be your regular weekday double upload. 

And then we come to something really game changing.

Basically this week will be as normal as it can be, but next week will see a rather big shake up. I'm going to keep it a surprise, but it will be the biggest change this Patreon has seen to day and something to REALLY be excited for, for both my fans watching and supporting me for many many years as well as you newcomers. ;) 

So how did May go? More or less uneventful even in these weird scary times. Things on the Patreon have been steady (Which could even boost from what will come next week, teehee....;) ) which once again thank you for easing my fears of a worst case senario in regards to a certain pandemic and this Patreon. It means a whole lot as always and while I can't do one this month (Again, that big thing next week.) next month if all goes well I'll do another Double Rewards month as further thanks. 

Speaking of rewards, yeah slowly getting there as always, but feel free to send me your qualifying reward tier requests either in a comment below or a direct message and I'll add those to the list. We'll get though them eventually, though if a certain thing goes well.....okay I've hyped this big thing enough already. XD

Stay safe you awesome lot, and set in line for next week. ;)  


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