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A little bonus poll for today, and as we're reaching the end of April may as well do my semi-regular how things are post. 

If you missed the previous update, this week's Classic Upload trio is up. ;)

The Poll

The poll in question is to decide which direction I go in regards to colouring the pass New Character Sunday selections!

You see, just this week I finally finished colouring the first 10 New Character Sunday pics, something that should have been done a lot faster but as always, stuff happened. ^^; With that said, I'm sure there are certain New Character Sunday pics you want to see coloured more than others so with this decision, I'll leave it in you, the donators' hands. 

Do you want me to continue colouring the New Character Sunday pics in the same order as before (Oldest first)?

Or, would you like me to select 10 Pics at random for you to vote on which pic gets coloured next?

Or would you like to select 10 pics, 1 selection per donator, to be put in a poll?

Or a combination of the last 2 options?

Thats not to say all the New Character Sunday pics won't get coloured, its just getting to your favourite ones much faster than waiting their turn if you catch my drift. ;) It'll be fun to see what you guys vote for. ;)

Life Update

Things have been pretty steady this past month. I've gotten into my own "lockdown routine" which seems to be working very well, the past few weeks I've actually gotten quite a few updates down without that many days of missed update days, even the facfic updates have resumed nicely. :)

Crazy thing is I even ended up with a new phone this month too. Maybe not the best of times to do so, but it was mostly for emergencies like if family ring in-case of a virus-related emergency or the Internet goes down (Which it did act funny a couple of days ago which is understandable if everyone is Netflix-ing and whatnot right now.) so I at least have 4G to stay in contact with you guys and use to upload updates if necessary, plus I got a pretty good deal for it as well so everyone wins in this scenario.  

And once more, thank you again for your support during this epidemic. It started out very fearful of what could happen with finances like any content creators but you guys have made things very steady and helped me stay more as ease than let my anxiety take over and for that I thank you. Slowly getting to your double rewards as well for the month of April too so rest assured they're coming. 

With that said, comment or send me a message for your May rewards while we're at it and I'll add those to the list. ;)

Summer's around the corner next and with any luck, the light at the end of the tunnel to this chaotic period. Stay safe my awesome friends! <3 


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