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The bell of the Sinnoh Pokemon League Headquarters six times as six o'clock had finally arrived. Awaking from her slumber was the region's beautiful Champion, Cynthia. Stretching her arms, she stood out of the casket of which she now slept in. Her battle room within the league had been remodelled to look like that of a Gothic basement looking like it belonged from the set of a horror movie. It was not unusual for a League battle room or indeed a Pokemon Gym to be remodelled, but for Cynthia, she had good reason for the remodelling, for she now made a dark secret that no one should ever know. One so bad, that she would be killed if anyone found out.

She was a vampire.

Not like that Guylight teen movie some people apparently like, but a real one with fags that were always starving for people's blood, and she could turn into a bat. The worst part of it was, she could no longer go out in sunlight, or again, she would die. No longer able to sunbathing on the Unova beaches or indeed wearing her sexy revealing bikinis that made the boys go all crazy for me. No, she just had to sleep during the day, only to awake if she was challenged to a battle or at night, hence why she had the bell installed. As she got out of the casket, wearing her long black boots, a one piece red latex corset and panties combo with a long black cape laced around her neck, looking at her bewitching black fingernails before brushing her long blond hair with a black stripe that ran down to the bottom with them. Her eyes opened, now sport a fire red shade, while her tongue licked her two long fangs. While she had adjusted to the change, she sighed a little, remembering exactly what made her that way.

A year ago, she was walking at night through a deep dark forest, when she was met by a mysterious trainer. Looking similar to her current vampire outfit only with a black latex one piece combo instead of red, the trainer had a Mr. Mime with her. Cynthia had thought she just wanted a battle, since those were not uncommon with trainer who were night owls so she lowered her guard. However, once the clown Pokemon used it's Psychic attack to hold her in place, then she really began to worry, even more when the trainer walked towards her, got real close like she was about to kiss her lips, but instead when straight for the neck and bit down real hard, percing the skin with two holes. The shock to her body caused the Sinnoh Chapion to faint and collapse to the floor. When she came to, she found herself in the room of a Pokemon Centre resting on the bed in a very dim room. Sharing her bed also was the trainer who bit her neck, who awoke as soon as she did. She explained to Cynthia she was a vampire and that she also make Cynthia into one, because she was peakish for a midnight sneak. As she explained further, Cynthia learnt that while the trainer was a daywalker, Cynthia was not and could be killed by sunlight and all the other infamous ways to kill a vampire, even that one about running water. She even learnt s few things about the trainer, but not her name nor if she did “anything” to her while she was unconscious, only that had brown hair in a ponytail with a black strip running down, she shipped herself from Kanto by posting herself in a casket to get a taste of Sinnoh flesh and blood, and that also, if Cynthia bared any children, they were cease ageing from age ten, as the trainer knew full well from experience.

Cynthia had always thought of Vampires as stuff of fiction, but like or not, she was one. Since that day, she chose not to leave the Pokemon League HQ ever again, and remodel some parts. When Elite Four members asked about her choice of theme, she would lie and say she was into vampire-isum. While she was a vampire, Cynthia did not want to live the life of one. She would not let it run her life and do disgusting things like bite people or turn into a bat. However, she did require blood to survive and with a few contacts and connections, she managed to get a regular supply of blood packs sent to her. She did feel horrible that people that needed the blood was going without, but she was just too scared to die. Speaking of which, she walked over to a black fridge. It was were she kept her blood packs fresh and well refrigerate. However, instead of a blood pack she received a nasty shock.

“G-Gone?!?” She began to panic as well as remembering the amount she drank last night. It seemed as time past, her thirst for blood grew more and more, to the point where she drank a whole week's supplies in just one night. “Damnit, I can't go a night without a drop of blood or I'll die during my sleep tomorrow! Not to mention the guys won't be back till next week! What can I...”

“Go out.” spoke her voice in her head. “Go out for a take away!”

“No, I can't!” Cynthia shock her head. “I refuse to live like...”

“A vampire? But you ARE one, and my urges are getting worse and worse. Come on, just one night and you can call your contacts just before sunrise for an emergency shipping. Come on, I bet it'll taste fresher inside a human!”

“I have no right to rob someone of their human life just to become like me!”

“So you'd rather die then do that? Isnt what you're doing to get the blood packs just as wrong? Think of all the people who needed that blood that died walking for it. You have no idea where those contacts got it from, they could of easily robbed the hospitals or raided trucks and such. At least if you bite someone, they won't die as long as they're careful.”

“Well.....I suppose...”

“You suppose nothing, now get that sexy booty of yours out the door and get flying!”

Deep within the same forest as Cynthia's flashback, two teenaged trainers had gotten themselves lost. Dawn had wanted to show her friend Iris around the Sinnoh region when they had gotten themselves a bit lost.

“I thought you knew you way around your home region Dawn?” Iris sighed.

“I can't possibly memorize the whole region like the back of my hand you know.” Dawn moaned. “Besides, I don't thin me, Brock and Ash ever travelled to this forest.

“Many I should climb to the top of one of these trees to see our bearings.”

“That's not a good idea Iris. There could be sleeping Zubat and Combee in the trees and if you wake them, they could attack or sting you.”

“Guess you're right. Still, its gonna be a pain finding our way.”

“Look, lets just walk for another twenty, and if we don't find civilization, we'll just have to set up camp for the night.”

The two girls continued walking, unaware of the the huge bat shadow that eclipsed them until it was too late.

“Hey, did it suddenly get darker?” Dawn wondered before a human figure fell from the sky on top of Dawn, making her fall on her front to the ground.

“What the hell?” Iris yelled, in shock from the sudden appearance of the woman that was on top of her friend.

“Hey good looking.” Cynthia smerked as she licked Dawn's cheek. “I was just flying above the woods looking for a snack, when I saw you and your friend, so I decide to drop in for a quick bite!”

“Hey, get off of me......Cynthia?” Dawn realize who was on top of her, but still felt scared as the Sinnoh Champion was as cold as an Articuno. “W-What are you doing?”

“Why, that neck of yours looks delicious.” Cynthia licked her lips, suddenly aroused by Dawn's neck. “It be rude not to tuck in!”

As Cynthia drew her fangs, Iris spotted them immediately. She knew they were no way fake, having handled Dragon Pokemon before and knowing how to take care of their fangs. Before Iris could do anything, Cynthia took a big into Dawn's neck. As Dawn screamed in pain, Iris put her hands over her mouth in utter shock as her friend was spraying a lot of blood out of her neck, while Cynthia sucked and swallowed as much as she could. Dawn eyes then became place and her screaming ceased. Iris fear the worse that her friend had just died before her very eyes. In fear of her own safty, Iris ran away as fast as her legs could take her away from horrifying act that was going on.

“OH MY ARCEUS!!!!” She screamed. “SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!”

Not looking back once, Iris ran back the way she and Dawn came, hoping to find someone or some place to escape what she just witnessed. Normally the forest was a place where Iris could feel free and safe, but on this night it became the most dangerous.

“Oh Irisssssssss.” spoke a familiar voice.

“It can't be!” Iris stopped for a moment, only to be surprised from behind by someone who grabbed her arms. Not only a chill of fear ran though her goosebumped body, but the coldest chill from her captive's hands and arms. Looking behind her, Iris saw what she thought was not possible.

“DAWN! But you're...”

“Dead? In a way yes, but also not dead if you catch my drift.”

“Let me go Dawn! You're not yourself!”

“True, but I think I feel better this way...and I think you will be too!”

Dawn drew open her newly formed fangs and looked at Iris with her menacing firey eyes. With a swoop, she bit Iris on her neck, but instead of sucking bloody, she withdrew immediately and let go of Iris, who as much as she wanted to run, found her body has completely shut down and her legs began to slowly bend into a sitting position on the ground. Her mind grew cold and hazey, like she was on some sort of drug, unable to think clearly and do anything.

“Well done my new Vampire Underling.” spoke Cynthia who had just arrived at the scene, wiping some blood off her mouth. “It only take a simple nip of the neck to paralyse a victim's body it seems.”

“Yesss.” Dawm smiled. “Perfect for taking my time with her.”

“And do take your time with her. When I rushed violently with you Dawn, it made quite a mess, thus wasting tasty bloody.

“Okay.” Dawn replied as she knleed down. She now donned a similar outfit to Cynthia, but blue in place of red, and her hair now completely in black. She resumed what she started by putting her vampire fangs back into the holes she made in Iris's neck. As Cynthia instructed, Dawn took it slowly, sucking on Iris's neck like a peach. If it were not for the fangs or the small trail of blood running down Iris's neck, it would look as if Dawn was kissing her on the neck, sucking so passionately as her new craving for blood kicked in. Iris only sat there still dazed and her mouth wide open with drool. Unexpectedly, Dawn placed a hand on one of Iris's breasts and began to massage it.

“Say, this is actually kinda hot...” Dawn blushed. “Not to mention really tasty.”

“I know, fresh blood in a human tastes so much yummier then that from a blood pack.” Cynthia agreed. “So much more...fresh and even warm before, you know...”

Just then, Iris body started to lose all body heat. Her face now very pale, she started to slowly close her eyes like she was about to die, and then finally pasted out, becoming all limb and numb. As Dawn finally finished her meal, she laid out Iris into a sleeping position, then she stood up herself. About ten seconds later, Iris's eyes sprang open and back to life, but now in the same shadow as the two vampires that stood before her, while two of her teeth grew long and sharp. She got off the ground and looked at her frozen cold hands, while her tounge felt the new attentions to her set of teeth.

“Darn, I'm a Vampire now arnt?” Iris asked, strangely not horrified by what she became.

“Yup, pretty much.” Cynthia replied. “Those that are bitten by a vampire become a vampire.”

“Hoqw do you feel?” Dawn asked her friend.

“Not bad actually. I don't feel too different, other then a lack of body warmth, but yet the moonlight feels like the warm sun on my skin.”

Iris placed a finger on her wounded neck, then placed her finger in her mouth, tasting her own blood.

“And strangely, I have a craving for blood. It suddenly tastes so.....nice.”

“Yes, though we can't drink vampire blood, or that would just be silly.” Cynthia explained. “We need blood of a human to survive, and sincve you both already transformed, you should be fine for tonight, but tomorrow we all need fresh victims. Come over here Iris.”

Iris walked up to Cynthia, who grabbed part of her cape, and then hugged Iris, coating her in her cape. Instead of the warm in-brace of a hug, Iris not only still felt cold, but she felt her clothing was moving, adjusting and changing shape within the cape. When Cynthia let her out of the hug and cape, Iris saw that her clothes now matched Cynthia's and Dawn's, only with cream yellow one piece corset and panties and her already over the top hair had changed to dark black.

“There, now your transformation is complete!” Cynthia smiled.

“How the hell did you do that?” Iris asked.

“I have no idea. We Vampires are an mysterious bunch.”

“True I guess.” Iris agreed.

“Anyway, you two ready to come live with me as your vampire servants? You realize that any human, friend, foe or family, that sees you this way will most likely kill you unless you bite them. I also have a regular shipment of blood every week sent to me, and some spare caskets for you to sleep in.”

“Well, it'll be hard not to see my friends or family again unless I bite them, but it's like, since you bit me I want to be a vampire, stay up all night and drink people's blood! It all feels and sounds so appealing now!” Dawn smiled.

“You had me at regular shipment of blood!” Iris licked her fangs again.

“Right then, onwards to the Pokemon League HQ!” Cynthia ordered, as she grabbed part of her cape again and twilled around into a poof of smoke. When the smoke settled, there was a Golbat flapping its wings where Cynthia was. The Golbat the flew off into the sky, while Dawn and Iris was stunned again.

“Did she just...turn into a...” Iris stuttered.

“Well, might as well try it ourselves.” Dawn suggested, as the both grabbed their capes, twilled and then blew up into a puff of smoke each just like Cynthia. When the smoke vaporized however, they had emerged as two flying Zubat. Unable to communicate in human tongue now they were Pokemon, the two Zubat vampires flapped they wings, getting the hang of it easily with their new bat instincts and caught up with Cynthia with their radar senses as they lacked eyes being Zubat. As the three flew together, Cynthia thought to herself;

“Well, this is less degrading then trying out my bikinis indoors on my lonesome!”

The End?


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