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Just a little heads up on what's going down this week on Patreon.

Some minor real life stuff has kept my busy last weekend, today and tomorrow. Nothing major, just boring mundane stuff that required my attention. In-fact come Tuesday when its over and since I'll be outdoors anyhow, I intend to finally go see the Sonic movie to celebrate since A) Still got my free movie ticket from December (When to the Triple bill Star Wars showing in Imax but they could not get Force Awakens to play in IMax so we saw it on a regular screen and they gave us free tickets for another movie) and B) Early afternoon so less chance of noisy kids and well....people in general because of you know what. Really don't want to have to go out tomorrow as some cases have been confirmed around my area but I promise to be careful. ;)

Still, I did pretty well on updates last week right? Got some Donator's Rewards started/posted, finished a much over due Valentines pic, yeah pretty much getting back on-track with daily updates.

In-fact, on the days I should have been working on New Character Sunday and the Fanfic preview (Will try to return to them this weekend.) I did find a little time to work on a new project I've been itching to do as well as should help with Double Upload days when I've got a very detailed Reward to work on. Needs a tad bit more work before I reveal it and go into heavy detail what will come from it but I will say this.....its a brand new Base pic like Ball Bound, Haigure, and Sex Dolls, dare I say probably most customizable than the others. ;)

And thats just on-top of your regularly scheduled updates coming this week. ;)



If you want to be that much careful while your out you should bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you. It wouldn’t hurt to bring it.




I did have hand cream, because sanitizer is pretty hard to come by so I survived....I'm sure. ^^;