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So erm, Monday came and went then.....as well as the rest of the week huh. ^^; 

My apologies. You might recall I was working on a birthday gift for a dear friend who has been unwell lately and worse her sister having leukemia right? Well turns out her bad luck kept coming with one of her dogs passing away and then she injured her leg (Nothing serious, but there was blood.). I had already planned a private pic between just us two, but I decided to go that extra mile and go crazy with variations to make it extra special and sure enough, it turned out great and she really loved it. 

I know, its very vague with the artwork being private between us, but she really means the world to me and I really want to bring light into her world as best I can, especially through this hard time. Someday, maybe I can talk about her more with her permission to you guys than just small snippets but in future if I do another piece like that for her bday, I'll just announce that I'll be working on it all week to you all as a heads up, but that's for another year....

....that said, valentines is coming up, but this one will be shared with you guys as it involves our fav characters. ;)

Anyhow, its a new month so lets pretend when I said Monday, I meant this upcoming Monday shall we? ^^; Updates WILL resume from tomorrow, starting with a certain New Character Sunday I should of finished weeks ago (But ya know, life. @_@ ) then after that, transitioning into those Double Daily Updates as promised.

Perhaps now I can get started on those awesome projects I've been dying to share with you all this month. ;)



oh i love to see Asuka or Flannery X3