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Fashionably late I know. ^^;   

Sorry, this cold is really doing a number on me. Sneezing and coughing all day really sucks the energy outta ya.   
But yes, as I promised the purpose of this journal is discuss many topics regarding last year and this year upcoming. Like before, I will divide these subjects into categories with their own headings so you can skip the subjects you are less interested in and read the ones you are (I.e if you care about art and not fanfics and visversa.) but I'll try to keep it interesting the whole way through anyway.   

Righto, best place to start with is...


This year has had its ups and downs. While I have had my most successful year with Patreon thus far, my personal life has been a bit of a struggle with stuff like a stressful bed bug spray AGAIN, a family friend passing away, a dear friend being unwell but worse her sister having leukemia, and out of nowhere, dealing with deep anxiety issues with myself, all these things and more at least have also effected my output of art and writing this year that I feel I've not given you guys as much as I could of done like previous years and for that I apologize.   

I do feel I sometimes let you guys down when updates are delayed or I can't even make up for it like having tons of updates on one day to make up for it. All I can do is promise to try harder this year and I will be taking steps to ensure that, which I will go through in other subject headings. For those that stuck around.......
Thank You

 …..thank you. Despite everything, you guys still believe in me the most, whether you've been around since day one or just joined in 2019. I can only hope that the great ideas I have in 2020 will be worth the wait for you guys.   
A Change in Commissions

I'm going to make a change in regards to commissions outside of Patreon, in that I'm going to accept much less of them.   
This does not include Patreon Rewards, if you are entitled to a Patreon Reward or a backlog of them you will still get those.

Which comes to my next topic...
Double Daily Updates

This sounds a bit of a big step, one that I might even be able to do but ultimately I want to aim for double daily updates.   

The first of these will be either my own projects or one of my remaining commissions outside of Patreon till they're all done (Which is not many). The second of these daily updates will be Patreon Requests. Each of these daily updates being either a Preview or a finished piece.   

I'll try for this...once the last of the Sex Doll-Tember Dolls are done, with just 4 left to complete. Double Daily updates will apply to the Monday to Thursday updates. Fridays for Premium Previews/Content, Saturday the Fanfic update, and Sunday being the ever popular New Character Sunday. The Wednesday update will resume the Classic Upload trio along with a Patreon Reward update.   

So to put it in a list:

Monday- Double Update (Own Project/Commission and Patreon Reward update)
Tuesday- Same as Monday
Wednesday- Classic Upload Trio + Patreon Reward Update
Thursday- Same as Monday
Friday- Premium Content update
Saturday- Fanfic update
Sunday- New Character Sunday

All assuming of course, nothing in my personal life mucks it up again. ^^;
Pixiv Fanbox

Later this month, I'm going to open a Pixiv Fanbox.   

Fanbox is like Patreon but tied to one's Pixiv's account. I should point out, it will not be a replacement for Patreon, rather it will be aimed at the Asian countries, mainly for those that don't find Patreon too language friendly.   

I have about 350-ish watchers on my normal Pixiv gallery in the space of 2-ish years so its something to definitely tap into. The tiers will be priced the same but will not have Reward tiers. Those will remain exclusive to Patreon so not to pile up my workload even more. I don't think you can even upload fanfics to Pixiv, so again those will be Patreon only as well so I would recommend sticking to the Patreon gallery and not really switch over to the Fanbox unless you only care about Art and not Fanfics or rewards, but it will take forever to upload the entire backlog. Keep that in mind. No real schedule plan for the Fanbox, other than to just get as much as my back catalogue on there as I can, so newer updates might not occur for awhile on the Fanbox.   
Preview Galleries

I admit some of my preview galleries have been left a bit abandoned but I'm hoping to inject more life into those pretty soon, so you guys have more places to be alerted when I have a new upload and further promote myself.   

Sadly, the biggest casualty of last year were the Fanfic Updates. Think it was this time last year I was still working on Rocket Corruption and Boxed It, and they're still incomplete.   

As announced before, I did have a new idea for a fanfic during my anxiety downtime I'm excited to share with you all which I started, but Christmas kinda got in the way. I'm going to resume that for a bit longer and when I feel fully back in my element, I'll resume finishing the 2 other stories. ;)   

Speaking of new ideas, there has been one in my head this past year I've wanted  to do but could not because commissions like Jessie's Daughter took up the time I would need to do it. Well, now that comic is done, I think I'm ready to make a start on it. 


As you can see from this crude drawing (Been too long since I've drawn on actual paper, lol.) I'm even going to storyboard this thing, thats how serious about this comic I am. XD In-case you can't tell, its Gary looking out at a beach being joined by Misty. What does encounter en-tell? Wouldn’t you like to know? XD
How big is this comic? I'm talk Cleanser kinda sized, no short Jessie's Daughter shenanigans here. What's the story? Its better to keep it a surprise.   

If all goes to plan, I'd like to try and start it in February but I also want to take my time with it so there'll be no sort of thing like “A page every week” routine, each page will be done when its done. But to get things done a bit faster, the opening pages will be in colour and at a certain point, the rest will be black and white until I get back to colouring said page. The comic will be exclusive to Patreon (And the upcoming Pixiv Fanbox) till there are enough pages to slowly drip feed to places like Deviantart.

I also want to involve you guys with the comic as well, I.e listen to feedback and ideas where you might think or want the comic to go. Who knows, you might even suggest something that ends up in the comic. ;)   

Its gonna be a wild ride. ;)   
My Ashley Cosplay

This has not been forgotten, just delayed. My aim had been to get it done in March but I think the truth is there's one thing I must do to really make this happen.   

I need to lose weight. With how my anxiety acted up in November, I don't want to be a big Ashley cosplay, so I'm going to take action to slim myself down enough so I can be the best looking Ashley for you guys. Lol. Not just for the cosplay, but for my own well being as well.   

As you know, Sex Doll-tember was a big success and I certainly want to do that again. However, as it has taken me longer to complete the dolls than I wanted, I need to make sure I can even do another promotion by clearing my commission pile and back in a regular schedule.   

I did aim for Feb or March but rest assured I will say this, you'll get at least 1 new promotion this year.   
New Character Sunday

Aside from a few hiccups thanks to real life stuff, this feature has continued to go strongly. There is however one area I want to improve on and that's colouring more of the older New Character Sunday sketches.   

Therefore, this year I'm going to colour more of the older pics as part of the odd Monday-Thursday updates. I want to complete Volume 1 (I.e the first 10 pics) then I'm going to poll you guys on whether you want me to continue in order or do them in random order, maybe even poll you guys which ones get coloured next if you want random. ;)   
Thats a wrap, I think...

 ...unless I forgot something. XD

Once again, thank you guy for supporting me. If you have any questions about what I discussed or other topics (If its about a Patreon Request, it'll be done as soon as I can do it), please feel free to leave a comment down below and I'll answer it as best I can.   

Let get back to drawing and writing, and make 2020 a great content year! :)   



leoryff Studios

Do what ya gotta do chief. Though for the record, I'm sure you'd make an adorable chubby Ashley either way. :P