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My apology for the silent last few days. As you know by now, something major has to of happened again for there to be a few no update days and sure enough, there was.

My best friend is unwell, like something that could turn serious if its not treated as soon as possible, which it will be. As if that was not bad enough, it turns out her sister has leukemia.

Its thankfully found in the early stages, but leukemia's still leukemia. I've been in utter shock and speechless these days few days and supporting my friend as best I could. I will keep you posted on my friend and her sister's recovery but please spare a thought and a prayer to them both, my friend and her family meet the world to me.

On the artside, or what little I've done, this is the special SFW project I've been working on. The goal of this piece was to draw something I can show to family but also a reflection of what I do so I decided to pick Pyra. I'm hopeful the colouring will go well for this, which you should see over the next few days as well as the rest of the Jessie Comic. 
