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Firstly, my apologies for this recent quiet spell as something came up, which I will explain in a moment.

To start off, I want to thank everyone that took part in Sex Doll-Tember this past month, especially those that joined and stayed on this month! :) When trying something new like a promotion, you never really know if it will work out or not, but you guys made it a big success with over 20 dolly requests! While I was unable to complete all the dollies in September, rest assured they should be done this month in October. September got a bit hectic with the pest control, my sleep schedule being all over the place and the huge rush to get that Jessie's Daughter comic in a more complete state for reasons, but thats all out the way thankfully.

The one thing I will mention is next week I'm attending a funeral for a friend of the family who sadly passed away a few weeks ago. Hence why this week has been a little quiet as we've been prepping for the funeral. The service is on Thursday and there might be more prep in the days leading up to it, so just a head's up.

In regards to future promotions, I certainly do want to do more like Sex Doll-Tember. Maybe not too often and the rest of the year is looking busy in the run up to Christmas, but certainly in the New Year, maybe February or March, I'll do another one. Perhaps Haigure, Ball Bound, or maybe just create a new base pic for the occasion. ;)  

That said, I'll do a Poll here to see what you guys and gals might be interested in seeing as the next promotion.

As for updates going forward, here's a list of things I hope to do coming up;

*Daily Dollies pics from Sex Doll-Tember as best I can till it is complete
*New Character Sunday resuming this week (Though with a WWE PPV on Sunday night, there might be a small delay. ^^; )
*Normal updates resuming, including Finister Foul's remaining commissions, hopefully Fanfic Saturdays returning on the 12th, my other regular weekly update days, and the start of a brand new kind of Ball Bound pic. ;)
*Completion of the Ashley+Misty Premium Content request
*Remaining completion of the Jessie's Daughter comic

And many more things to come this month!

Once again, thank you guys for your support, both existing and newcomers alike! 


Cole Dragovich

Gender bender, tf, hypnosis, and bondage

leoryff Studios

How about a hypnotized zombie walk pose base? If you give it adjustable breasts sizes you can do all kinds of girls with it.


Hypnosis and bondage