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Today I'm going to do another of these lengthy journal updates that I do from time to time, as there's a lot I need to talk about regarding what has happened recently and things upcoming. As before, I will give each subject its own title so you can skip to the bits that interest you the most (Though I hope you'll read it all. ^^; )

Righto, to start with the obvious;

My Recent Unwell Spell

So last week, I was having some nasty stomach pains which effected me from doing anything creative and not feeling too great. I did think it could of been something like kidney stones, but it did eventually past, so I guess it was just something I ate my stomach did not agree on whatsoever. Even then, it was taking me awhile to get back to work, and I had to write off most of last week's updates to stay afloat. That missed week will be made up for, which I'll explain further down this journal.

So yes, I am feeling better, and somewhat getting back into a routine. Which leads me to;

Patreon in General

Even before I was unwell, there was something giving me worry and anxiety that effected my creative output.

You might of heard about it but if not, basically Patreon has been cracking down on some adult artists that draw certain kind of fetishes. Of course, this kind of news is not something any artist who is aiming to make a living content creating wants to hear and while I have received no kind of warning or notification about any of my own works, it was made me worry if I one day woke up and it did happen.

So what's the plan Lapras? Basically for the time being, business as usual. However, I will be creating a back up gallery on a site similar to Patreon in-case of the worst scenario.  The site in question will not be named or announced for the foreseeable future, but in the meantime the plan is to build that new gallery up, much like my preview galleries, with a good chunk of content both past and current.

Whenever the new site gets enough content, I will start promoting it as an alternative to Patreon, basically for those that dislike Patreon for one reason or another.  It won't replace Patreon unless Patreon do give me warnings or such. In which case if things ever got bad with Patreon to the point of no return, I will let you guys know and tell you where to go to further support me in the future.  ;)

Pest Control Update

I mentioned awhile ago we were going to have pest control in to deal with bedbugs not in my workspace but in rooms close to it.

That still has not happened.

Merely down to everyone in the house finding a good week to have the freetime to call the guy round, have a look, then make plans for what we'll be doing next. Those with great memories might recall we had this problem before and that required me moving a LOT of stuff out my workspace in order for Pest Control to spray areas of the room. Since my room has had no bugs in 2 and a half years, I have no idea if they'll want to spray my room again or not, so even I have no idea what will go on. As ever, I will keep you posted on any news I might get.

The Ashley Cosplay

And with that, the pest control might effect the upcoming Ashley Cosplay I had planned.

The aim was October to have it ready and debut it at a con. However, if we do have pest control round anytime soon, then that will probably mean several things.

1. If I have to move stuff around, thats going to take up a ton of my time.
2. The idea of bugs getting on my shiny new Ashley dress is not reassuring.
3. With various things going on lately like getting ill, the Patreon worry, and so on, I've barely had time to really research how I'm going to do this exactly, let alone work out to slim down a little.

I know a lot of you have been looking forward to it, and by no means am I going to cancel it, but it seems likely a delay might occur. If I don't make it by October, early next year looks to be the next target (As the Holiday period eats into everyone's wallets). Again, its really dependent on what happens with the pest control, but I will try to up my research efforts very soon.

Summer Ashley

But lets have a bit of good news at least to end this journal. ;)

Its summer so you know what that means for my now annual tradition? A new Ashley Swimsuit artwork!

Yes, starting this week, I'm going to make a start on a new artwork that celebrates the summer and makes up for last week. The aim is to complete it by next week and try to juggle regular updates as well for at least a week of double updates (The best I can anyway).

The idea for this year's pic is Ashley as a lifeguard running to rescue someone while her chest bounces along (The ol' Baywatch style. XD). Makes a change for her wearing a one piece swimsuit, but there'll be a nudey alt to go with that too. ;)

Messages and etc.

As I have been stockpiling private messages and whatnot since feeling under the weather, I am slowly getting through to them all. If you messaged me recently and I've not gotten back to you, post a little reminder down below or check your messages now as I may of already down.

Thank you all for being patient with me. I know a lot happens in my life that gets in the way of our sexy art and fics, but you guys have already been awesome with your support. Now lets get some pics and fic done! :)


leoryff Studios

Still not all that awake so taking that in. But the bed bugs? Lavender oil mixed with some water, spray it at the vents/door frames/anywhere they might get in every couple days. No guarantee that they will go away but it tends to put them off from places. Less chemicals to deal with too.


Thanks. I mean I've taken steps so they at least would never come in my room again such as replacing my wooden bed with a metal frame one (They love wooden beds), putting a lot of stuff into plastic storage boxes for less hiding places and protected 90% of my books with sleeves. Its mostly other people in the house that has not taken steps like me to prevent it from happening again. @_@