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Yes....so that was a week longer than I said huh. ^^;

If you missed the journal I wrote beforehand, give it a quick read.


So to update, after feeling unwell and jumping straight into a DIY project I probably should not have but had no choice as there would not be another free week to do it, of course I would end up shattered and either too exhausted to work on anything artwise or too unwell again. What luck. @_@

The DIY project was...a moderate success. While I did not get everything I wanted to be done, things are at least more roomy at least and the project is at least at a state where I can do small bits every now and then into completion. Course with Easter coming up and my grandmother coming over for Easter Sunday and me getting back to art creation, thats going to have to wait. Even with the DIY out the way, it got tough to get myself creatively active which was from the result of me being away from it all for about 2 weeks during the weekend but today at last, I got that spark back. :)

As mentioned, I would begin by just creating a new project to get the juices really flowing then I would dive back into things like Hypno Ashley, Jessie's Daughter, and such. The plan for the upcoming week is to get this new project done by this week, resume the Premium Preview this Friday, Fanfic Preview is a maybe we'll see how the week goes and a double character New Character Sunday this Sunday to make up for the lack of New Character Sunday lately.

I also hope to do some double update days down the road too to make up for my absence. You guys have been donating for this month, so its only right you get those past 2 weeks back with content of some kind (Donator Rewards, First Colourings, etc.). One example will be this Wednesday's Classic Upload trio which will be 9 (!) Classic Uploads this week, a trio of classic trios if you will! XD

In regards to what this is I'm working on.........it may or may not be a certain busty blonde Pokegirl, wearing something she certain isnt used to wearing (But will have a Nude alt if thats not your thing). ;)

Feels good to be back. Let the explosion of new content begin! :)



leoryff Studios

Hmm.... A certain busty Pokemon blonde.... I know! It's Serena wearing pants!