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Just uploaded several updates from the past few days so be sure to check out those. My apologies for their delay.

Have several other notes in regards to upcoming updates.

1. New Character Sunday is still cooking in the oven and its a good one. For those that are fans of 2 character pics and Hypnosis with Psychic powers at play, I think you're gonna love it. ;)

2. The upcoming Fanfic Update for Saturday will be moved to Monday for this week while Saturday will host the Monday update for this week. You'll see why when its uploaded. ;)

3. This week's another "Get those emergency commissions done" week of updates mostly. Hypno Ashley and Jessie Daughter will resume next week, the Premium Update and New Character Sunday are un-effected.

Might go down this route in future in regards to either Patreon Reward pics and outstanding commissions in future till I have my normal uploads freed up (i.e finishing Hypno Ashley, Jessie's Daughter and Finister Foul's commissions). Think it will freshen up the schdule a lot more as well as get your rewards out much faster. What do you guys reckon?

4. I'm hoping to FINALLY get the update regarding the timeline to the Cosplay reward drafted up this week as well.

5. In 2 weeks I'll be starting a week long DIY project for my workspace to make it way more roomy and less cramped. There'll still be updates but they might be simple ones that week like quick First Colours of New Character Sunday pics, but plans might and could change.


Who's your fav Pokegirl outside of Ashley? ;) 


Jeremy Williams

Favorite Pokegirl is EASILY Hilda. Selene/Moon, Lillie, and new Scot girl are pretty nice too

leoryff Studios

Misty and most of the Alola girls. Unless you are asking for fan service reasons in which case GSC Misty and Lorelei.