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So once more, thank you all for your kind donations this month! With your awesome support, we can work towards bettering my works soon enough. Now, I did say as soon as the funds were made available to me I would use the funds to buy an art tablet. 2 things happened, the first begin I under estimated the amount a tablet that I would require would cost (Not by too much, but more then enough with what I did actually get donated this month.) The second is while all the other donations went through, 1 payment did not, and that happened to be the main bulk of my donations (A $50 donation.). As such, we are a little behind this month, however since I can keep the funds in the account, I will leave April's earnings where they are and combine May's earnings to for certain this time fund that Tablet. Even if the $50 donator does not cough up this month or next, the rest of you guys' donations over 2 months will be more then enough. ;) Another thing I would like to talk about is where to go after the Tablet purchase. I've had other ideas as to what the monthly $50 goal can fund in the future and are as follows; *Touch Typing Lessons: This would help me increase my typing speed and thus get fanfiction out much quickly as I do not know how to touch type currently. ^^; *Local Creative Writing Course: I feel this would be helpful also towards my writings and developing my skills further. *General Art Fund and Such: Like if I'm short of anything art related or something like my scanner or such breaks now, this fund can go towards buy new or replacement stuff And of course if you guys have any suggestions for things art related that future $50 goals can fund, feel free to suggest it. Like I'm doing this month for the tablet, I could also save towards other stretch goals like say, the Youtube funding and such. I do feel I could offer so much opinion wise when it comes to gaming, film, anime/manga and so on in a way a Youtube show/series could offer. So yeah, a little setback on the tablet this month, but come June, it'll happen no matter what. ;) Even so you will still get plenty of uploads this month, both old and brand new, so still lots to come. =D



While I like both the TG pics and fanfics I prefer the fanfics over the art so I'd suggest options 1 or 2


Indeed, but I've had requests from people to get a tablet for years so I figure it's best to get that one out the way over the typing and such. ;)