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My apologies that this week hasnt been rich with content as other weeks.

As I've stated, I'm not been feeling too well this past week, felt very off and light headed which does not help with content creating or even just feeling like myself. @_@ I really did not want to let the overdue updates just be 2 Body Chan preview pics but I just felt so low on energy even to draw.

With that said, this upcoming week will be all about new content and new projects starting. Monday will be the delayed New Character Sunday pic as well as quick Monday pic like maybe a Chibi Head but come Tuesday onwards we'll see the start of Jessie's Daughter Page 2, the next $5 Ashley Premium Content starting (And boooy, its gonna be a good-en!) and I might even start on a new pic of my own just so I can get the creative juices flowing again.

Once again, I'm sorry about this past week. My aim is to feel/get better not for me but to all of you that have supported me and for you all to see the awesome upcoming things I have planned. :)