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Boy, what a year 2018 was! Hope everyone had a great New Year's Celebration and had a great year as a donator!

This update is mostly to talk about how the year went down and what the plans are for 2019. I know these kinds of updates are not the most desired and if reading about this stuff is not your thing, I can totally understand and will see you back on the next artwork update.

To make things easier, I'll be putting headers on each subject matter so you can read the parts you want to and skip the parts you're not as interested in. 

Here we go.


This year has been better for me personally than the previous for a number of reasons. By the end of 2017 I was really down on a me basis but it was like as soon as January 2018 arrived, things looked up in the best ways and had continued in that manner throughout the year. There were some cases when my sleep patterns would get muddled up by family or other events as I am a nightowl when it comes to being creative but I have tried to keep that down to a minimum and speak up more for myself. Health wise, nothing really drastic happened this year so thats been good.   


This year has seen the most donators of any year before and I can't thank you all enough. This year was all about finding a schedule that works with regular new content often (New Character Sunday, the daily updates, Premium Content, etc.) and it has worked extremely well despite some missteps like the muddled sleep patterns. Your donations every month have helped behind the scenes ever so greatly and with any luck, we can see future goals met like buying a really fancy screen tablet to make my art look even better, a new Laptop/PC that's even faster than my old one, and....even the goal of me funding a high quality Ashley cosplay as a thank you for supporting me..... XD

Something that really helped me understand you guys' interests and reasons for supporting me was the Survey I put out in the middle of the year, which I may make an annual thing to see if anything changes like opinions, thoughts and generally what newer donators thin as well. 

Going into 2019, I had aimed to get to hit the $300 a month mark but as we entered this new year, we're almost there! XD Its amazing how this time last year I aimed for $200 and ended up smashing that goal in a matter of months so I'll have to aim higher. This year, I want to aim for the $400 promise lands. If I can make it there and stay above there, I can really start to think about doing this as a full time job with less delays and even faster content put out. :)

….we're really going to see that Ashley cosplay goal arnt we? XD

Gallery D.I.Y

Nothing too major but at some point, I want to give the front page a make over. Things like icons on the Reward Tiers (I have a great idea for all you TG lovers will really like), a redone Welcome Message with articles on certain features and how to's, more Series Indexs' so content can be found even easier, and so on. I had somebody review the front page not too long ago and the advise he gave was really helpful and he admired what a well oiled ship I had going already, so it will be looking top notch whenever I get round to it.

There'll be a slight change to Reward Tiers, namely getting rid of the ones that don't generate any donators like the $1 tier. Undecided on the $7 tier but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. 


As mentioned, we did reach some goals this year which include the Youtube ones.

In regards to the Youtube goals...I feel a little differently to it than I did back when I made the 2 goals, namely because the art and fanfic updates are doing so well and I don't want to risk destroying the schedule because I have a YT show to ruin.

One idea I had was a TG Me Lets Play channel where I could use voice software to make my voice sound female and a animated chibi TG Me reacting to certain moments in a videogame or host a scripted show (A Gender Bender Gaming Show if you would) since I'm not comfortable speaking in front of a camera but.....again, that would require a ton of work. If anything, I think it would only be possible if I had a place of my own and a large set up to make it possible which currently is not possible.

I did start streaming on Twitch and posting on YT after finally getting an Xbox One this year but the features are lacking compared to say, a full game capture set up. Not to mention my laptop might be pretty slow in that department. 

So yeah, those YT rewards might be bumped up past the one about me getting a place of my own. Its an interesting concept, but not one I'm currently able to do without a lot of hard work. 


I have to say, the artwork really is starting to look great! I've gotten the hang of the programs I use to draw with my tabet even more and have a grater understanding on their features so I can turn out some projects even fast than before. 

With my recent growth in the past few months, there is something I want to aim for. I want to have at least 1 coloured Ashley upload every month. I get she is extremely popular with my followers and I don't want to repeat times in the past where we'd go so long without a new Ashley upload. 

Whether this be a Premium Reward (Which thanks to a donator, there'll be tons of. XD), a normal one, a base one like Ball Bound or Haigure, a fanfic, etc. this will be on top of the regular updates so it won't interfere with other projects. If anything, the recent Ashley Xmas pic was done pretty quickly so I know it can be done. ;)

Classic Content Wednesdays

As you may already know, Wednesdays are devoted to getting my older works from 2007-2015-ish onto the Patreon gallery with that goal of being able to say ALL my past work is here for everyone to enjoy.

This year, I aim to finish that goal. The old blog's content is almost completely uploaded, so that just leaves some bits and bobs from my Deviantart page. We already have 2007-2009 completely up so its a matter of just the few artworks from those other years to upload. Once done, Wednesday will be a new themed upload day.

While on the subject, I'll be skipping the Classic Content update this week just so this write up and the New Character Sunday poll get more attention. 


These...have been pretty slow this year havent they? ^^;

As I've always stated, Fanfics do take the most time outta me and, well it hasnt helped I've been working on 2 very long fanfics (Rocket Corruption at the Speed of Light and the Pink Pussycat Boxed In saga) though I had no idea they would go on this long. They are both nearing completion mind so it shouldn't be much longer. 

To counter this, I intend to have a second Fanfic Update day once the Wednesday slot is free. Once Classic Content is done and dusted, I will be using the day to create brand new Series Index entries and then finally, it can become the new Fanfic Update day along with Saturday. With 2 days a week working on fanfics, we should get them done twice as fast right? ;)

New Character Sunday

Without a doubt, one of the most popular features to come out of this year has been the New Character Sunday feature where I draw a character I've either never drawn or rarely drawn with a fetish theme, with no repeating franchises or fetishes for 10 weeks (Hence why I call certain bunches of entries Volumes). 

With that said, it will continue along into this year with more new characters and themes to go with it. I will be opening a Suggestion Jar once I organize the front page more so that at any time, you can least a suggestion and I'll strongly consider it. ;) Till then, any donator can leave suggestions (1 Character + 1 Fetish) in the comments of any New Character Sunday pic if you desire. :)

I will also try to colour more entries this year too once the art commissions are freed up. Speaking of.


Currently, I have 2 very large commissions I'm working on (Jessie's Daughter comic and the Metrobay heroine Chibi Heads) and my goal once these commissions are completed it to be a little more picky with commissions outside of Patreon so that they don't get in the way of Patreon things like owed rewards and of course my own projects. Now that Patreon is supporting me well financially, I won't have to rely on commissions outside of Patreon as often like in the past.

Fanfic Commissions will also resume once either one of my two long running stories are completed.

 And Lastly THANK YOU

You guys really are the best and have shown me this dream of mine is more possible every year we have these little talks. You tell me my crazy imagination and creativity is something you all enjoy and want to see me get even better and better at. You enjoy the art, the writings and such I create and work on a daily basis to deliver you guys and are very patient if I do hit a delay for reasons I can't avoid. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I hope I inspire you as much as you guys inspire me! :)  

May 2019 bring even greater projects and goals to life! <3