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Hope everyone had a great Christmas/holiday this week. :)

Just a few things I'd like to announce or forgot to mention in regards to updates for the rest of 2018.

*Christmas Day was a day off, so there was no overdue update there.

*Last Saturday's Fanfic Preview had to be postponed as the final days leading up to Xmas got a bit hectic. It will certainly return this Saturday for sure.

*This week's Classic Upload trio will come Thursday night along with the Thursday update.

*Planning and updates for Page 2 of Jessie's Daughter will start in the new year. Things will resume once the festivities are done for another year and everything's more back to normal routine.

*New Character Sunday will be celebrating the 50th pic this week (Excluding the 2 parter updates) and as such, I have something planned that's a bit different to celebrate this milestone.

*Finally, New Year's Day will be a look back and talk about 2018 regarding the Content Creating side of things, as well as what I plan for 2019.

Hope you all have a great New Year planned. :)


Phantom Sonic

Ok ('-^)b and have fun too ^-^