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“....so it's finally here.” Meowth sighed. “I can't believe how fast the time flies.” James equally sighed with his team mate. “Teehee” Jessie skipped up and down the hallway all excited. “Yup, the big day is finally here!” The two male members of Team Rocket were sat on seats in a hallway that looked almost like in interior of a hospital, only instead of Nurse Joys or Doctors running around, there were Team Rocket Doctors dressed in black medical coats walking past by the trio, tending to injured Rocket members and their Pokemon, performing operations, and other medical practices exclusive within the Rocket organization. Jessie was full of joy unable to contain herself, for the big day in question was the day she gained a daughter. Not a boy she dressed up into cross-dressing by force that he could not remove, but a real fully female daughter. At that moment, a surgeon then entered the room. “Well doc, how is she?” Jessie happily asked. “Well, you certainly made it a job getting those fake breasts off of him, but we managed to pull through.” the female surgeon explained. “Most of the work you already carried out yourself with the corset giving the boy his hourglass shape and the skin products you've been exposing him to. It was mostly a matter of applying the genital alternation laser onto his sexual organs and injecting the instant female hormones into his body and then the transformation completed itself.” “How on earth did we ever afford this?” Meowth asked. “Oh the number of times we've had to treat you three from your so called Blast Off injuries, you more then qualified for a free gender altering operation.” the surgeon answered Meowth. “One more blast off and I can finally have enough loyalty points for the Breast Expansion procedure I've been wanting!” Jessie giggled. “Anyway, can I see my daughter?” “Of course, here she is!” The girl formerly known as the boy Ash Ketchum walked in from the doors. Her appearance had not altered much from before, still sporting the bright red hairdo that Jessie once had in her youth, make up and earrings that matched her “mother's” and of course, a matching Team Rocket uniform. However, she did look like she had lost some weight recently, as well as now having curves and an hourglass figure. Her skin looked much more smooth and she had jumped one or two sizes in the breast department, for now she hand real ones that had grown more naturally...well, more so then the fake ones Jessie had glued onto her before, and while it was not visible, her panties now fitted Ashley more snug, as there was no longer any male junk in the trunk, only pure womanhood moulded by the revolutionary surgery lasers to transform his boy parts into that of a girl's. From this day forth, Ash was no longer a boy, but now a girl named Ashley. “Oh sweetie!” Jessie ran and hugged her daughter. “You look good enough to eat!” “Thank you mother!” Ashley smiled with no trance of his male memories. “This breast expansion feels great! I'm almost as big as you!” “Indeed, they feel so good squished against my own!” As Ashley was still under the hypnosis her “mother” put onto her, the former boy was made to believe she had gone in for a boob job, unaware she was actually being robbed of her manhood. “So, what do you wanna do to celebrate my sweetie?” Jessie asked. “Wanna grab a bite to eat, go shopping, give me a proper look at your new boobies in the hotel bedroom, or what?” “Maybe grab a coffee then show you my boobies?” Ashley chose. “I have such a wicked idea I wanna share with you over coffee!” “Okay sweetie, I cannot wait to hear it and see your boobies!” Hands held, the made up mother and daughter duo skipped along out of the hospital, James and Meowth meanwhile got up from their seat and slowly followed them. “Why do I have a bad feeling bout this James?” Meowth sighed. “Can't be any worse then nearly dying in the mountains...” James also sighed. Sometime later at a secret Team Rocket base, a battered and bruised Butch and Cassidy entered the base. Cassidy could barely hold herself up with the large stick she found in the forest while Butch was crawling on the floor. “I dunno how we did it...” Butch struggled to speak. “...but we survived!” “No thanks to you.” Cassidy moaned. “Clearly you forgot to pack my Drowzee!” “What? How am I responsible for what Pokemon you carry with you?!?” Butch stood up as he felt angry for being blamed. “Well whatever, operation Rhydon was a complete failure. However, we still have all these Hypno from the previous operation!” As Cassidy flicked the light switch, the fading darkness revealed a large box full of Poke balls containing Hypno, many of which stolen from trainers and Pokemon Centers across the land. Unfortunately standing on the boxes were a trio of faces Cassidy and Butch found more then unwelcomed. “What is the meaning of this?” Butch shouted. “Prepare for Trouble, your goods are our gain!” Jessie began the motto. “And make it Triple, we foil you again!” Ashley continued. “To protect the world from devastation!” spoke Jessie. “To...” James tried to speak his line, only to be interrupted by Ashley. “To unite all people within our nation!” “To denounce the evils of truth and love!” “To extend our reach to the stars above!” Ashley continued to steal James' lines. “JESSIE!” “ASHLEY!” “Sign...and James.” “Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!” “Surrender now or prepare to fight!” Ashley finished before Meowth capped the motto off with his trademark; “MEOWTH Dat's right!” “I never agreed to less lines...” James sobbed in a corner. “What do you losers want?!?” Cassidy demanded. “We've come to steal all your stolen Pokemon, that's what!” Jessie answered. “Stealing from fellow thieves from your own organization?!? How pathetic can you losers get?” Cassidy sighed. “Say, weren't there only three of you before?” Butch asked. “Button your lip Bruce!” Ashley denounced, having no idea what Butch was on about but her subconscious enforced her to not question it as well as mistaking his name like many others before her. “It doesn't matter who we steal Pokemon from, all Pokemon belong to us, especially for what we have planned!” “Planned?” Cassidy asked curiously. “What are you...” “Go Hypno dear!” Ashley kissed her Pokeball before she throw it. “Hypnotize these losers!” “NO!” Butch and Cassidy yelled before the hypnotic wave hit their eyes, trapping them in a trace. Some time later in a secret location, the evil leader of Team Rocket sat by the window behind his desk, stroking his pet Pokemon Persian. As usual he sat there in thought, dreaming up his next big plan for world domination having failed his previous Mewtwo project not too long ago. Even if it took years for him to make his next move, Giovanni was determined to reach his goal and no inferior Team groups or authorities would stop them. Snapping out of his train of thought, the building alarm sounded. As the Syrian echoed throughout the room and building, the Rocket Boss turned his chair around to the front of his desk. “Secretary, what is going on? What is the meaning of this?” Giovanni growled at the intercom, feeling almost insulted at the idea that someone could had found his Headquarters and dared to intrude and try take him out. “Sir! Four Team Rocket members have turned traitor and are taking out Rocket Grunts left, right and centre!” the secretary. “WHAT?” Giovanni felt more outraged that whoever was doing this were in his own organization. “Who is doing this?!? And how are they taking out the grunts?!?” “Sir, they just let out dozens of Drowzee out of a crate of Pokeballs they were claiming they were handing to us and are now using Hypnosis to...oh god, they've reached the top floor! No! Stay back! Don't......come.......obey.......I must obe....” The secretary was cut off. Giovanni was beyond furious at this point. To make matters worse, his Pokemon were not with him, they were in his private training room a few floors down. Persian was his only Pokemon with him right now, but as strong as his prized Cat Pokemon was, there was no way it could take on an small invasion not on its own. As the doors slammed open, Giovanni stood up ready to look face to face with his traitors. “You three?!?” Giovanni spoke angrily at the sight of Jessie, James and Meowth another with another female he was unfamiliar with standing in the doorway. “That's right Boss!” Jessie pointed. “As of this day, you are no longer the leader of Team Rocket!” “Yeah, we're callin' dat shots now!” Meowth spoke. “I'll be more then just your lap cat from here on out!” “So, a mutiny then?” Giovanni sat back down. “And what makes you think I would hand over my organization so quietly?” “We have a small army of Drowzee under our command and they have hypnotized all the grunts and staff in the building!” Ashley explained, holding up a walkie talkie. “I have this thing hooked up to all the building's intercoms. All it'll take is me talking into this walkie talkie and all the Rocket grunts in a trace from the Drowzee will be under our spell and will rise up and rebel against you!” “You should of seen what we did with Butch and Cassidy.” James laughed. “We put them both in rubber Pokemon suits, then we made them believe they were Pokemon and then released them into the wild!” “I fashioned them myself!” Ashley joined in. “ Cassidy will make such a fine Sandslash and Butch as a girly Wigglytuff!” “I see, you have certainly planned this takeover for awhile.” Giovanni claimed a little. “Straight to the point, you will either suffer an hypnotic fate like that if you fight us, or you can leave quietly and retire in the shadows, never to show your face again.” Jessie made her former boss their proposition. “And don't think we'd hold back on humiliatin' ya.” Meowth continued. “I have quite the imagination ya know!” Giovanni clutched his fists in anger to consider his options. He knew full well how powerful his organization was and that if it ever was taken over, not even he could fight against the whole of Team Rocket. Even in hiding, it would take him years to form some sort of counter strike to claim back his company. He had however promised himself that if things did not go his way or if there any doubt in his goals whether it would be defeated by the most unexpected of opponents or such, he would go into hiding to find himself again. With that, he stood up once more with a decision; “...alright, you three have bested me. I will sign over Team Rocket over to you and go into hiding.” “A wise choice.” Ashley smiled, a little disappointed she could not humiliate her boss but still satisfied none the less. For the next few hours, the defeated Giovanni signed over everything to Jessie, James, Ashley and Meowth. The organization, the Gym, the research facilities, even his own Pokemon, everything would belong to the foursome from this point on. As soon as they were done, the former feared boss of Team Rocket was escorted out of the building by the new bosses of Team Rocket. As Giovanni left his empire for the last time, Jessie, James, Ashley, and Meowth stood at the building's entrance with all of the grunts and staff behind them seeing him off. He was now cloaked in a dark coat, hat and shaded with only a steel briefcase and a small retirement fund to his name. Even if it took him years, he vowed to himself he would one day take back Team Rocket from those fools that he mistakenly underestimated. “Bye bo...I mean Giovanni!” Jessie waved. “Don't do anything like jump off a waterfall or something!” Meowth also waved. “Well, now that he's gone forever, what's our first plan of action?” James asked. “Since it's getting late, we'll finalize the brainwashing of these idiots then head for bed right mother?” Ashley asked. “Sounds good to me!” Jessie patted her daughter on the head. “Tomorrow we can try out ALL of the former boss's private facilities like the swimming pool, the hot tub, see what private getaways he had we can visit, then the next day or two we'll begin running the company!” “Great idea mother!” Ashley smiled. As the mother and daughter walked back into the building with the zombie like entranced staff, James and Meowth slowly followed. “Well dis turned out for the best!” Meowth smiled. “I'm more them da top cat now!” “I'd say Meowth!” James agreed. “Just think of all the bottle caps we can have the grunts steal for me!” “Oh James, you think so small as always...” Meowth laughed as the two entered back into the building, knowing their futures were set forever. The End



With Giovanni's final thoughts about taking back Team Rocket I'm surprised you put a The End on this unless there's going to be a sequel to this


Honestly, it was a pain to write creatively. Someone can commish a sequel if they want, but unless that happens I'm done with this story... @_@