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 Max was beyond excited as the shutters rose up to reveal the truck parked on the other side. It had been the longest month of his life, counting each day go by while keeping this whole plan secret to only himself, as much as he wanted to say something to his fellow villain pals, even his own wife. But no, if this plan was to succeed, he could not risk taking that chance of getting cocky. He had the odd superheroine confront him about the whereabouts of Pink Pussycat, but he had proof he was nowhere in the city when she vanished. As far as the heroines were aware, his story about flying to a meeting in his private jet checked out, unaware that Max had hypnotized the pilot and a few businessmen to make them believe they had a meeting with Max and flew him there and back. While Max was top of the chart of culpits, the superheroines eventually turned their search elsewhere, looking for their fallen comrade unaware they would never find her. He had done the same thing again, entrancing the same people into thinking they were having a follow up meeting. Only this time, he would not have as tight of a schedule to keep, all the better for checking out his new pet.    
  As the truck door was opened by the same carrier man as before, Max saw the crate with his own eyes for the first time in a month. No signs it had been tampered with or opened. Was this really going to work for real this time? The madman's heart beat so hard, sweat dripping down his face under the fake mask. He felt the urge to take it off due to the heat, but the millionaire bit his lip hard. Just a few more moments, just get rid of this loser with no suspicions...then she'll be all his.  
   “Ahh, Mr Rogers!” Fred loaded the crate off the truck. “Good to see you again, did you enjoy your vacation?”  
   “Ohh why yes!” Max breathed in and put his face accent back on. “Just the same ol' boring business meetings while little time for sightseeing. Nothing really to talk about I say!”  
   “I see.” Fred pulled out a clipboard and pen. “Well, we took great care of your invention, and like you requested I made sure it was far and deep in the warehouse personally.”  
   “Ah good show boy, good boy!” Max signed the release form. “Say, can we possibly wrap this up? Wanna....ya know, get this home and put back in place before the wife gives me hell about it!”  
   “Ahh of course, I just need the signature.” Fred took back the clipboard. “With that, I'll just say thank you for choosing Metro Store! We know you have a choice in storing all your valuable possessions and...”  
   “Like I say.” the disguised millionaire put another wad of cash in the top pocket of Fred's uniform. “Hurry this along!”  
   “Holy shi...y-yes sir!” Fred took one look at the money and ran for his truck, driving off while forgetting to close the truck doors. Max stood for a second to wonder why the delivery man left so fast when it hit him.  
   “Ahhh, I gave him the wad with a few grand, not a few hundred.” Max took the other wad of money out of his pocket, having planned to spoil his new pet later. “Oh well, serves me right for carrying so much cash. Anyway, onto the fun stuff!”  
  Throwing the mask off his face to the ground, Max reached for the crowbar on the table as well as pressed a button on a remote to close the shutter door. He stabbed the metal hard into the side of the crate, pulling off the lid with great force, this level of excitement was new to him. This had to be what it felt like being a commoner's child at Christmas opening their presents, something that happen so often in Max's rich life that Christmas was just another Tuesday for him. But this, this was something only he could have, something he strived and wanted so bad like a child throughout December wondering if he really got that one special gift he or she was after, the big one, the mother load.      


Boy, do I know how to leave on a cliffhanger. XD

Question now is, do I reveal what happens next week or continue for Misty's sex activities as planned? Oh decisions..... ;)
