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So yeah, I was a bit sick the last time I did a journal update and I have been feeling better, however as per usual, real life stuff has been getting in the way, even during my Easter break. Can you believe I almost got a job? XD To cut a long story short, both I and the employer agreed it was not for me. As a result, content has been a bit on the slow side, not much art wise, but definitely in the writing department, but it's slowing starting up again, so I should have a new fic up fairly soon (Yes :iconbatjap: it's getting closer to completion.). Art wise, slowing getting through commissions, but there are Ball Bound commissions in the mix too which are pretty quick to do, so there is some back and forth between working on a very long pics with lots of characters in one, and then doing some Ball Bound in-between. On the subject of content, the Patreon Gallery. To my amazement I have earned way more then I had expected to in donations in the short time I had officially launched the Patreon gallery then I had expected! o.o To those that have donated, I cannot thank you enough for your generous donations, and another big thank you to DAers who recently brought Premium Content of Ball Bound pics which saw a HUGE rise in sales! As such for those that have paid money to support me should expect something in return for their funding bar exclusive artwork and fiction and that leads me to my next announcement. Next month, once the Patreon funds for April are made available to me, I'm putting it towards an Art Tablet! No more putting it on a "Buy Later Down The Line" list, it WILL be brought after years of saying I will someday. With it, I can hopefully get works out faster after I practice a lot with it, which leads me to you guys since you helped fund it, what Art Tablets do you recommend for someone like me who has never really used an art tablet before? Also what tutorials for Tablet Drawing do you guys recommend I study to get at least decent with using it, and what programs are best with it, since I use GIMP.art to ink and colour things? I know it seems I really do not know much about art tablets but really it's been something I've been meaning to get into for the longest time and with a lot of practice, be able to produce works that are way way better then what my skills can currently produce. The input is up to you, my watchers who has stuck by me and enjoyed my works for the past lot of years (Of course, replying WILL helps ya know, lol. XD). Also regarding that Ashley April Fools sketch, I'll get on with inking and colouring it soon since you're probably curious to see it a lot bigger. XD Also that expernation for the Top Pokemon Boys as well. ;)


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