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Apologies for the 3 day quiet spell. Long story short for those looking for updates and not read a lengthy post, they should resume tomorrow.

Everyone else, read on.

So last week without going into too many details, a family member did something behind my back, and did not bother to listen to a word I said after learning this. Nothing major, but it really ate at my mind the whole weekend almost spiraling into a depressing mood. Not the greatest creative setting mood indeed, in-fact I felt down throughout September and this really was the icing on the cake for that mood. -_-; I'm usually a very positive minded person, so it was really a defeated kind of mood.

Weirdly, almost the moment it turns October 1st, I get some great news that really cheered me up. Like the moment September came to a close, October was there to give me a hug to really help me outta this mood. XD So thankfully, I feel a lot better now and feel very striven to get back to drawing and typing. X3

In regards to missed updates, Fanfic Previews will resume this Saturday. I know, another missed Saturday, but the mood really took any energy to write anything of my usual standard. New Character Sunday I will aim for tomorrow, and this news entry will be the Monday update, just to not let things pile up too much.

While I'm here typing, I also want to announce something regarding the $5 tier updates. They have been lacking lately and as a result, there has been a drop off in the $5 donators which I greatly apologize. From this moment on, there will be 1 $5 tier update a week, whether that be a preview or a completed work, which will also mean slowly getting through the Donator Rewards at a more regular pace. Also, in the past I would try to mix a $2 update in with a $5 one. To ensure $5 updates keep happening regularly at once a week, whichever day I upload a $5 update will be the only update that day, bar any catch ups I need to do.

Anyway, hope you guys had a better weekend than I did. Looking forward to October onwards. :)    


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