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   “Alright there Fred? A Carrier from Metro Store walked upto the truck as it entered the warehouse. “Last delivery of the day?”  
   “Yeah Steve.” Fred got out the truck and walked with his co-worker to the back of the truck. “Its was that Mr Roger fellow, you know that lively Texan guy from a few weeks ago?”  
   “Christ, how could I forget?” Steve helped Fred open the back of the truck's doors. “You don't get characters like that come here often, almost like those supervillains you see on the news. So, this was what he was yapping about?”  
   “Yeah that machinery of his.” Fred wheeled out the large wooden crate on a trolley, unaware of its contents or able to hear the orgasmic moans inside, before lowering it to the ground using the truck lift. “You can bet he went on about how much it meant to him when I picked it up.”  
   “Really?” Steve laughed as he used a large stamp to print the reference number on top of the box. “Oh well, I'll just put his baby away and we can head for the bar.”  
   “Nah, I'll do it.” Fred offered. “You got on ahead, I'll put this crate somewhere safe!”  
   “Look at you.” Steve looked surprised. “Can remember the last time you offered to take care of the last crate of the day!”  
   “I know I know.” Fred took out a couple of notes from his pocket, handing some of his extra money to Steve. “Guess I'm in a good mood. Here, I'll clock you out and you get started on the drinks. Feel like a long Friday night out.”  
   “Man, what did you do with the real Fred?” joked Steve as he started to leave.  
   “Shut the fuck up!” Fred laughed back as he wheeled the crate onto a forklift, lifted the crate up slightly in the air and began to drive down the long street of crates and boxes all lined up and stored for various customers. “Right, let's fine you somewhere deep and safe to put you like I was paid for!”    


Just wanted to make a quick start on the next Chapter in this story. It'll get to the more kinkier stuff next time. ;)

Rocket Corruption will return next week. ;)


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