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Had meant to do this yesterday but as you'll find out, something did eat up a bit of time. So we'll call this the delayed Monday update while you can find the Tuesday one just before this post. ;)

Firstly the poll. This one was something I was debating with myself whether to do or not but decide you guys were the best people to ask as it does involve you guys in a way.

A thing I've been noticing lately is those with Patreon galleries also have galleries for Ko-Fi as well as another called BuyMeACoffee. From what I understand, they are just like Patreon, places you can upload content and people can donate to you. I have no idea if either are better or worse than Patreon or what their stances are on adult content, but for reason I'll get into, I have been considering them to have side by side with my Patreon.

So my poll question to you dear Donators is this.

Would you be okay with there being a Ko-fi and/or Buymeacoffee gallery along with the Patreon gallery?

For the reason I ask, is because as good as Patreon is, a common fault I have found and even had donators in the past complain about is how the site as a whole is structured. For example, loading through tons of pages on Patreon isnt an experience everyone can do (Even my laptop struggles sometimes but thats also due to it being old.). And while the Tags do help a little, its still a bit of a problem when something like say Ashley has over 200 tags. I have tried to ease this problem with a couple of Series Index posts and direct links to content from my DA, but yeah for some its not exactly ideal. Again, I have no idea if Ko-fi or Buymeacoffee are any better at this, but having a choice over say, Patreon or bust has to be ideal right? I have been asked about sending Zip Folders to people, but if I did that, it would be super easy for someone to dump the entire Donator's Content stuff somewhere on the net. @_@

If I was to make either gallery, it would be mostly for newer content only. Patreon would still be the main hub where I can offer rewards and the backcatalogue to all my older works (After all, we're still adding older content on Patreon. It would take me even more years to put it on Ko-Fi and Buymeacoffee. XD) so nothing would happen to the Patreon regardless. But yes, I will leave that decision to you guys since after all, Patreon is the place where you'll find everything of mine so course it does raise the question. ;)

While we're having a chat, I have some recent news to share. I recently purchased Clip Studio Paint! It was on offer and a fair few artists I know use it so I figured as the Pro edition was at a good price (And the trial try out turned out promising) I gave it a purchase yesterday.

So yeah, I was spending most of yesterday trying it out hence this delayed update. So far it seems very promising. Granted its going to take awhile for me to familiar myself and ultimately decide whether I'll use it for drawing, but colouring's a definite thing I'll be using it for plus making my own simple backgrounds should be a piece of cake now! But yeah, soon enough we should see some results from my purchase, perhaps even my next colouring can benefit from it. ;)

Till tomorrow's update, see you then. ;) Don't forget to vote in the poll.   


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