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Sorry again the updates are a little all over the place. Another one of those real life scenarios that's out of my control (My friend is doing better than ever thankfully.) hence the increase in first colour pics. That said, the backlog will be gotten through.

New Character Sunday I'm going to aim for Wednesday.

In the meantime.....how about a Donator's Choice question. What colour would you like Palutena's bunny suit to be? ;)




Palutena makes a cute bunny! Did you ever end up finishing this? I'm new, and I still don't really get what "Donator's Preview" means.


Not yet, but every intention of finishing it. Donator's Previews are sneak peaks of what I'm working on, so after a day's work I show you guys what I've done. With New Character Sunday, there are quite a few "first colourings" where I just add the first bit of colour to the pic, mostly on busy days, but yeah, that every intention of going back to it when I get to it (I colour the NCS pics in the order they were made)