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  As another puff of smoke transported the evil sorceress and her sidekick parrot to their next location, the two observed their new surroundings.    
   “Oh jeez, another Forest?” Iago moaned. “Does the writer of this fanfiction know variety at all?!?”  
   “Patience Iago.” Jafar eased her bird's complaints. “It is only the order of the commission after all. You'll get a different kind of location soon enough I'm sure.”  
  Just then, the two were met with the most unusual thing either had ever seen as an Anthropomorphic dog walked up to them.    
   “Oh er, pardon me Miss.” spoke the animal person.    
   “Can I...help you?” asked Jafar, still bedazzled by the dog.      
   “Have you seen my friends Sora or Donald anywhere? We were fighting some Heartless a moment ago then gosh, I lost track of them!”  
  As Jafar and Iago stood them changing emotions from disbelief to slight annoyance for a good while, Jafar soon responded by holding up her staff and zapping the Goof in front of them, the explosion sending him flying high into the air.    
   “YAAAAAAAA-HOO-HOO-HOO-HOOEY!!!!” The dog hollered as he faded from sight.    
   “Well, good thing we're not doing that in this fanfiction.” Iago breathed a sigh of relief. “I get confused following all those spin offs alone!”  
   “Yes, not to hate on it of course but the writer's gaming backlog is bad enough.” Jafar began walking through the forest. “Wouldn’t do it any justice.”    
  As their forth wall jokes drew to a close, Jafar suddenly stopped walking as they both hear a sound.    
   “....Singing?” The sorceress listened carefully.    
  Jafar followed the source of the singing with her ears. Of all her time living in the palace back home listening to the finest singers and musicians entertain the Sultan, she had never heard such a beautiful voice in her whole life before. Once again when close to where the singing was coming from, Jafar and Iago observed from within a nearby bush. The heavenly voice matched the beauty of the person singing as she sat on a rock, singing her song to more woodland critters like those in the location before.    
   “Golden hair like sunshine, lips that shame the red rose, and blessed with the gifts of beauty and song.” Jafar recalled reading a familiar passage in her books. “There's no doubt about it, she's the Princess Aurora!”  
   “Just what we need, more Princesses.” Iago sighed. “Can't we recruit some ninjas or something?”  
   “No, this is much more fiendish and fun.” Jafar replied. “Oh?”  
   “What's up?” Iago noticed his Mistress stutter for a moment.    
   “This girl has a very powerful curse placed on her.” Jafar could sense the spell's powers within the girl. “Cast by someone who's powers are beyond mine!”  
   “What, this hopeless romantic?” Iago pointed out the lyrics of the Princess' singing, involving around someone she met “Once upon a Dream”. “She don't seem that bad.”  
   “True, perhaps her bloodline wronged whoever placed the curse on the poor girl.” considered Jafar. “Might be why she is in the forest dressed as a peasant.”    
   “Yeah....and maybe whoever placed the horrible curse is watching over her live a parental guardian or mother all her life then acts all best friends with her when she gets to this age, because deep down the sorceress isn’t that bad a gal...”    
  In that moment, Jafar turned her attention back to her bird sidekick.  
   “That's about the dumbest reasoning I've ever heard!” Jafar spoke annoyed. “Who in their right mind would put a curse on someone to die just to be BFFs with them?”  
   “I dunno, someone bad tempered enough to do it for not being invited to a party?” Igao rubbed the back of his head.  
   “Oh enough about remakes, we have to nab her quick before that castor finds her” Jafar stepped out of the bush to make herself known to the Princess, ceasing her singing to express an alarming expression. “Greetings young girl, I'm...”  
   “Oh no.” the Princess felt concerned as she got up from her seat. “I had no idea anyone would venture in this part of the forest. I-I have to go!”  
   “Why the rush?” asked Jafar.  
   “My Aunts told me to NEVER speak to strangers!” Aurora explained. “I'm sorry, I must leave...”  
  The princess started to walk around in the opposite direction. As Jafar felt she was losing her, he quickly muttered.  
   “Are you...searching for that person “Once Upon a Dream”?”  
  At that moment, the Princess stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around to look at Jafar.  
   “Y-You were listening to my singing?” asked Aurora.  
   “Yes, and what a fine voice you have my dear.” Jafar complamented the singing. “Forgive me for eavesdropping, my name is Jafar. I'm a...fortune teller, so to speak.”  
   “A fortune teller?” Aurora's curiosity and imagination started to cloud her better judgement.   


And as Dawn's Bad Jean Day crossed the finish line last week, onto another unfinished fanfic!

I know you guys are probably waiting on Got Milk Dawn and/or Rocket Corruption at the Speed of Light, I just feel I need to do just a little bit of commission work first, namely getting this chapter of the Jafar Story out the way which has been long overdone (Thankfully my idea to go on a mini rant about the live action remake paid off in some progress. lol.). And hey, this story is also Hypnosis based too, so no lack of hypnotizing here. ;)

Once chapter 2 is completed, then for certain I'll resume work on Got Milk and do a little update on Rocket Corruption. When I go over the results of the recent survey this Tuesday, I will address the Fanfic Commissions and what will be done about them.  


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