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“Mmm, five more minutes!” Dawn moaned as the sunlight hit her eyes. When the sun refused to listen to her blissful demand, she opened her sleepy eyes.

Her mind was slow to wake up, so warm and snug in the bed. This was truly the bed of someone who splashed out on the softest bed covers, the fluffiest pillow, the bounciest mattress. Those things made Dawn realised she was not in her own bed nor a Pokémon Centre bed. Sitting up, the blue haired coordinator rubbed her eyes and looked at the bedroom she had slept in.

“Ahh, that’s right.” She yawned. “Zoey took me back to her place.”

The thought of her lover made Dawn smile. She looked next to the bed, not seeing Zoey there. She then realized she was naked.

“Oh man, that was such a lovely night.” Dawn recalled the night of passionate love. “I thought she was never going to stop kissing and licking my whole body!”

Her eyes began scanning the whole bedroom, mostly white all round. With her Grand Festival win came a lot of money from the win, sponsorships and commercials for Zoey that she could afford a nice place in her home town. What caught Dawn's eyes was the red dress hanging from the wardrobe, the one she was wearing the night before, noticing the wine stain.

“Ursula.” Dawn took a moment to moan angrily. She remembered last night her and Zoey were invited to a Contest Convention in Snowpoint City, a meet up where coordinators could interact with fans and visit booths to buy contest accessories. It had been a fun day, meeting up with other coordinators, the fans that followed her and Zoey, seeing the latest accessories and dresses they had for sale, she did feel bad though seeing Jessalina stomp out early after people kept asking who she was. 

The thing Dawn was looking forward to the most though was the private evening dinner for the coordinators that night. She had picked out this lovely red dress that made Dawn feel really mature. It made her feel so wanted seeing Zoey not being able to take her eyes off of her. That night felt so heavenly...that was until Ursula came in and spilt her drink over her. While the curled coordinator did claim it to be an accident, with a grin, it did not take her long to say that Dawn was the one that had the “accident”, especially at where she aimed her drink at. After some exchanged words between Zoey and Ursula, and then some, Zoey took the slightly upset Dawn home. Some tipsy flirting and romantic words later by the time the two got to the door, Dawn was being carried by Zoey while kissing like a happily married bride and groom, slowly making their way to the bedroom while clothes went flying all over the place. 

After a lick of her lips from her reminder of why Zoey made up for Ursula's bitchyness, she finally got out bed. As the light shined on her beautiful naked body, Dawn was looking for her underwear with no luck, even looking around the rest of the upstairs with no luck. Returning to the bedroom, Dawn started to ponder.

“Well, I'm gonna need something to wear.” Dawn thought. “Can't really stay naked in-case I decide to do her breakfast for when she gets back and risk someone walking in. Argh, trust Zoey to not have a robe to put on.”

With no other options, Dawn decided to look in Zoey's wardrobe for something to wear. Success, plenty of underwear and clothes to put on. While Zoey was a much bigger bust than her, Dawn figured wearing one of her shirts might be sexy for her lover. A lot of couples do that, right? The first item of business was underwear. To Dawn's surprise, while the underwear draw had plenty of panties, they were all one kind that Dawn had never worn before.

“Boy, someone certain has a thong fetish.” Dawn held up a thong. While Dawn had nothing against them, thongs did not exactly go well with her favourite skirt. The fear of so much of her butt being shown in public should an up draft blow up her skirt, the constant worry of that happening, someone like Ursula giving her a thong wedgie, no those would be embarrassing things to happen. If she were wearing her red dress like last night, it would be fine, but not her near micro skirt. “Ahh you only live once!”

As Dawn's hands dug through the drawer, she found a normal white thong among the many thongs, one with a Glameow head on the front much like her own Piplup panties and not as sexy as the more lingerie esce ones. She began by putting each leg into the holes before pulling the thong up her long silky legs. Before she could experience the surprising comfort, the thong stopped before getting all the way up.

“Huh?” Dawn looked behind her back. The thong only made it just above the halfway point of her peachy behind, As much as she tugged and pulled, the panties were not going any further. “Well no matter, guess she's just a little smaller size than me. they'll do for now.” 

Looking up at the hangers, Dawn soon remembered something. Zoey was certainly not a skirt person. The only pair of pants in the wardrobe were her iconic jeans. Dawn took a jean leg and rubbed it against her face in a dreamy state. 

“Oh, how I've seen you in these all time.” Dawn smiled. “I wonder what she would think if I wore her favourite jeans?”

Truth be told, Dawn has also never worn a pair of jeans in her life. She loved skirts and dresses, it went with her girly nature. All of her life, she viewed jeans and pants more a boy's thing. It was only really when she met Zoey her opinion started to open up, who would always dress the opposite of her, the more tomboy look. The jeans, the sweater, the times she dressed more like a prince than a princess, it had not only opened Dawn's mind but as she got to know her best friend, the look kind of turned her on, making her more attracted to Zoey as time went on the more she got to know her, and the more she started to fall in love with her. Yes, she was totally going to give her lover's jeans a go today! She slipped one leg into the jeans. So far so good, they seen to fit for so far. She slowly put the other leg in. Her legs were a field of goosebumps feeling the fabric against her legs, it felt kind of nice.

“Awesome! They do fit!” Dawn smiled as she pulled the jeans up the rest of the way, her thoughts suddenly paused as the jeans came to a stop. “What the....”

Looking behind her back once again, she was faced with a familiar problem.

“No way! My butt's too big!” Dawn moaned in embarrassment. The jeans would not accept her hips, her large peachy behind was keeping her from fully putting on the jeans. “No! I will not accept defeat!”

Dawn pulled and pulled hard to get the jeans the rest of the way up but all that resulted in was her soft firm ass bouncing each time she tugged at the jeans. 

“Aww man, why does my ass to be so big?” Dawn cried. “Not giving up, I'm getting these jeans on even if it kills me!”

Determined to get the jeans on no matter what, Dawn started to jump and tug in the hope that would work. Her booty only bounced even more. Soon enough she fell back onto the bed and lifted her legs in the air as she pulled hard. 

“Ohh, they're slowly coming on!” the blue haired coordinator smiled as laying on the bed seemed to do the trick. Once they made it all the way, she got back on her feet.

“Down to just...get the button....on....” Dawn tried her best to button the jeans which were now tightly around her butt. “Ohh, they're so....close....”

Dawn was starting to feel exhausted just trying to get the jeans on. She did not even care if they could not come off at this point despite the tight feel, she wanted to show Zoey how sexy she looked her clothes.

“Nearly.....there!” Dawn gave a big tug. While the button did finally reach the button-hole, it came with a loud rip sound.

“......oh no.” Dawn's heart sunk at that moment as she head turned around. Both her butt cheeks were viable, lumps of booty flesh poking out of large holes in the jeans. 

“......I ruined Zoey's jeans!” Dawn started to look teary eyed. “W-What am I going to tell her? She's going to kill me when....”

“You don't have to tell me.” spoke a voice. Dawn slowly looked at the doorway to see Zoey in her jogging gear, sports bra and shorts, in a sweat while drinking an energy drink.

“Z-ZOEY!” Dawn blushed bright red in humiliation. “How long have you been there....”

“Since you were trying to get my jeans on.” the redhead took a slip from her can. 

“W-Why didnt you say anything?” the blue haired trainer weeped.

“Meh, looked hot as fuck watching you get that huge bouncy butt into my jeans.” Zoey replied honestly. 

“Zoey....I'm....” Dawn looked down in shame. “My ass ruined your jeans....”

“Hey its okay.” Zoey put a hand on her shoulder. “You can't help having a giant ass!”

“Waaaaaah!” Dawn moaned.

“I joke.” Zoey reassured Dawn. “Well yeah, you do have a big butt but that's no bad thing.”

“But your jeans...”

“Were getting old. Didnt you notice the rip in the middle of the left jean leg? I was going to buy new jeans when I got the time to anyway.”

“So then you're not mad?” Dawn calmed down. 

“Why would I be mad? It was hot watching you struggle getting into my jeans after all!”Zoey laughed.

“So then I really do have a fat ass....” Dawn looked at her butt once more. 

“If it were fat, it would be flabby.” The redhead reassured her lover. “No, your butt is so perfectly round and peachy. The times before we were an item I would watch you walk away and wonder what that tiny shirt around such big hips was hiding in the trunk.”

“So that's why you were so slow in the changing rooms we shared during contests.” Dawn gave an annoyed gaze. 

“Yeah...kinda envisioned your panties being wrapped round that butt of yours.” laughed Zoey. 

“Aww, I bet tons of people just stare at my butt then.” Dawn sighed. “Why must I be curse with this thi...”

Before Dawn could finish, Zoey got down on her knees and put her hands around the jeans.

“Hey, what are you doing?” asked Dawn

Rather then answer, Zoey slowly pulled down the jeans halfway to meet with Dawn's knees. She then did likewise with the thong, meeting with the jeans. Dawn could only watch curiously as her mind wondered what her lover was up to. Before Dawn knew it, Zoey head and tongue met with her crouch.

“Oooh.” Dawn moaned, her face blushing again this time from pleasure as she felt that wet sloppy tongue sliver against her vagina. Her eyes started to widen when she felt two hands latch and grope onto her large behind. The sensation made Dawn fall back onto the bed in a sitting position and close her legs the best she could, only to be jammed by Zoey's head. Rather than feeling the pain of her head being crushed, the warm soft leg flesh pushed against her head for a rather nice feeling of heaven for Zoey, blushing which she continued to lick her lover's most private of parts and her hands squeezing harder against Dawn's booty. “N-Not so hard...”

As if to respond to Dawn's demand, Zoey withdrew only hand, only to smack Dawn's ass. 

“Ahhhh!” Dawn's head leaned back as she moaned. Being such a good child, she was never spanked in her life. What was something to fear as a child, surprising to her felt kind of good as a young adult. “M-May I....have another...?”

Zoey did the same with the other hand and spanked the other cheek. 

“OH MY GOSH....” Dawn moaned, biting her lip. “M-M-More!”

Zoey continued alternating from butt groping to spanking at random, making Dawn wait in anticipation for her the next spank might come. Each one got Dawn more and more hornier, her moaning increasing in volume, saying such naughty things like “Ohh, I'm such a bad girl...r-ruining your jeans with my massive butt! I m-must be punished!”. The longer it when on, the wilder Dawn got, going from naughty talk to pleas of “SPANK ME! SPANK ME HARD!!!” making Zoey do exactly that. 

“OH ACEUS.....I-I-I CUM.....” Dawn finally could feel it, a strong orgasm building up for release. Zoey could sense it too, her licking becoming more frantic as she hungered for her lover's sweet juice. “AAHH AAAAAHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!”

Dawn screamed so loud as she finally came, the experience made more intense as Zoey squeezed hard against her butt. Zoey ensured not a drop was wasted, drinking the nectar like a bug Pokémon saping lift over honey on a tree by eager trainers wanting to catch them. Dawn fell back on the bed in a laid position this time, exhausted from what she just experienced. 

“That....” Dawn breathed so heavily. “.....was...........amazing!”

“Heh, figured that butt of yours handed to be played with.” Zoey licked her lips as she stood up. “You feel bad about having a big butt now?”

“I...guess not...” Dawn sat up to lift up Zoey's sports bra, freeing Zoey's large 34D breasts. “But now I wanna play with something big.”

“What, these ugly things?” Zoey sighed “You sure do recover quickly when it involves these ugly boobs.”

“They're not ugly.” Dawn pressed a hand against one breast before placing her head against the other to latch her mouth onto the hard nipple. “They're fucking beautiful.”

“D-Don't suck so......HARD, this time!!!” Zoey moaned, it was as if the two eighteen year old lovers switched roles of dominator and dominated at that moment as Zoey started to moan herself. “...I-I swear if you bite again....”

Morning soon turned into later afternoon as the two finally finished another hot session of lover making. The two laid down together in bed cuddled up together and covered in sweat and pussy juices. 

“You're so amazing, you know that don't you?” Dawn pecked a kiss on her lover's lips. 

“You're not so bad yourself.” Zoey teased, but they both knew she thought likewise. “Still ashamed of that ass of yours?”

“Nope!” the blue haired coordinator smiled. “One day I'll make you feel the same about your boobs!”

“Yeah, good luck with that.” Zoey stuck her tongue out at her lover. 

“Suppose we've gotta get up.” Dawn sighed. “Don't suppose you've got anything for me to wear that does fit me?”

“Oh, I picked up your bag from the Pokémon Center while I took my morning jog.” Zoey explained. 

“Great!” Dawn smiled. “Maybe we can go into town and you can show me where you buy your jeans so I can buy a pair that fits me!”

“That would be kinda cute.” Zoey rubbed the back of her head. “Only tad problem is you ripped up my last clean jeans, the others have still yet to go in the washing machine.”

“No need to worry!” Dawn giggled. “I have a solution for that.

“Dawn!” Zoey moaned much later. “This is really embarrassing!” 

“Hey, you're the one who said they couldn't stop looking at my butt all the time before we were dating!” Dawn reminded her lover. “Bout time you got a taste of your own medicine!”

“B-But this is different!” the redhead continued her moaning. “How the heck do you keep you legs warm in a place like Snowpoint?!?”

The two lovers were walking down town, with Dawn holding Zoey's hand and pulling along like a mother would a screaming child. Zoey was blushing the whole way, seeing the locals she knew her whole life say hello with a bit of a giggle. They had never seen Zoey this way before, not even as a little girl. She was dressed how she normally was with a glaring omission and change. Instead of her legs being covered with her iconic jeans, they were bare for the world to see, while her behind was barely being covered by a familiar bright pink mini skirt, a spare Dawn had on her. The advantage of jogging in her jogger's shorts were that hardly anyone was up in the morning and even if anyone was they covered her more than this tiny skirt. Zoey really do not want to wear it, but she couldnt refuse Dawn's convince “PLEEEEEASE” face after some passionate love. She wished she had. 

As they continued into town, a familiar coordinator with a black eye was sitting outside a cafe drinking tea when she saw the two lovers walk past her, not noticing she was there. As she watching their antics, the curled coordinator moaned.

“I don't wanna know or care what those dumb lesbians got up to.” Ursula slipped her tea annoyed. 

The End


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