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So hands up who remembers La Blue Girl? Kinda hoping there's a good few hands. XD

I remember this being one of the first Hentais I ever saw (The first being the other one with Tentacles by the same creator when a friend was like "Dude, you gotta see this DVD!" XD). Fun fact, outside of an extreme edited La Blue Girl Returns the series never saw a release over here as it always got rejected by the ratings board. So there was always that curiousness just how naughty this series was in my teenage years and while I have so nostalgia for it, always wanting to draw something from it but never getting the chance till now.

The Monday and Tuesday updates will be posted tomorrow or through the course of the week. Sorry, something came up over the weekend and the tentacles were taking awhile to research and draw. I know delays have been happening a bit lately but I will be fixing that soon.

What were your first hentais growing up? ;)



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