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   “Mmm, five more minites!” Dawn moaned as the sunlight hit her eyes. When the sun refused to listen to her blissful demand, she opened her sleepy eyes.  
  Her mind was slow to wake up, so warm and snug in the bed. This was truly the bed of someone who splashed out on the softest bed covers, the fluffyest pillow, the bouncyest matress. Those things made Dawn realised she was not in her own bed nor a Pokemon Centre bed. Sitting up, the blue haired coordinator rubbed her eyes and looked at the bedroom she had slept in.  
   “Ahh, thats right.” She yawned. “Zoey took me back to her place.”  
  The thought of her lover made Dawn smile. She looked next to the bed, not seeing Zoey there. She then realized she was naked.  
   “Oh man, that was such a lovely night.” Dawn recalled the night of passionate love. “I thought she was never going to stop kissing and licking my whole body!”  
  Her eyes began scanning the whole bedrrom, mostly white all round. With her Grand Festival win came a lot of money from the win, sponcerships and commercials for Zoey that she could afford a nice place in her home town. What caught Dawn's eyes was the red dress hanging from the wardorbe, the one she was wearing the night before, noticing the wine stain.  
   “Ursula.” Dawn took a moment to moan angily. She remembered last night her and Zoey were invited to a Contest Convention in Snowpoint City, a meet up where coordinators could interact with fans and visit booths to buy contest assessories. It had been a fun day, meeting up with other coordinators, the fans that followed her and Zoey, seeing the latest assessories and dresses they had for sale, she did feel bad though seeing Jessalina stomp out early after people kept asking who she was.    
  The thing Dawn was looking forward to the most though was the private evening dinner for the coordinators that night. She had picked out this lovely red dress that made Dawn feel really mature. It made her feel so wanted seeing Zoey not being able to take her eyes off of her. That night felt so heavenly...that was until Ursula came in and spily her drink over her. While the curled coordinator did claim it to be an acident, with a grin, it did not take her long to say that Dawn was the one that had the “acident”, especially at where she aimed her drink at. After some exchanged words between Zoey and Ursula, and then some, Zoey took the slightly upset Dawn home. Some tipsey flerting and romantic words later by the time the two got to the door, Dawn was being carried by Zoey while kissing, slowly making their way to the bedroom while clothes went flying all over the place.    
  After a lick of her lips from her reminder of why Zoey made up for Ursula's bitchyness, she finally got out bed. As the light shined on her beautiful naked body, Dawn was looking for her underwear with no luck, even looking around the rest of the upstairs with no luck. Returning to the bedroom, Dawn started to ponder.  
   “Well, I'm gonna need something to wear.” Dawn thought. “Can't really stay naked in-case I decide to do her breakfast for when she gets back and risk someone walking in. Argh, trust Zoey to not have a robe to put on.”  
  With no other options, Dawn decided to look in Zoey's worbdorbe for something to wear. Success, plenty of underwear and clothes to put on. While Zoey was a much bigger bust than her, Dawn figured wearing one of her shirt might be sexy for her lover. A lot of couples do that, right?       


Back at long last, its the fanfic preview!

Now....this isnt Got Milk Dawn, but rather something I wanted to do for a friend who could really use this. Its also a short tale and more a cutesy sexy fic than a full on long fetish based one, so it won't take too long to complete and hey, it gives trying the shorter ones a go too. Would be nice to see completed fics more often, right?

After all, those that have followed me for so long knows just how much life gets in the way of things..... T.T

As always, this is a work in progress. Grammar and spelling mistakes are to be expected and will be corrected in the final version. If you have any ideas or suggestions for the story, leave a comment below. ;)


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