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If you've not seen already, today the missing Classic Uploads and Updates for Tuesday, Thursday and Today were add, so be sure to check out those posts.

In regards to myself, I'm feeling much better now. Maybe not 100% but certainly a good 80-90% and have been able to work my normal nightly creative sessions without much trouble. I apologize this happened, at my age a 26 hour spell is not exactly something I can do anymore, so lesson learned. I certainly won't be doing it again, regardless of what my family needs me to do.

Now as we speak of the updates, there is still one missing, the New Character Sunday from last week. The plan is to have that and this week's done by Sunday or shortly after, but that has to mean missing out on another Fanfic Preview tomorrow. I am sorry for those that look forward to those every Saturday, but with those requiring the most creativity and the way my mind's been feeling these past 2 weeks, yeah there was no way I would be able to type anything. @_@ I'll be sure to resume it next week when everything's caught up again.

The plus side of that sleepy-ness mind you was some of the dreams I had involving some Pokemon characters, which I'm going to draw pretty soon. ;) Next week will be quite the preview of things to come.


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