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Just had a pretty rough day that's meant a further day in the New Character Sunday pic as well as today's update. That said, the plan for tomorrow is a triple update containing the New Character Sunday, Monday and Tuesday's updates.

What happened was I could not sleep Sunday Night and by the time I did, I was needed for an emergency printer crisis (As I am the most knowledgeable in IT matters in the house) for a work thing that was important to my dad. Much much later, I went to be about 4pm (!) and only awoke like 2am at night. I'm a night owl sure, it goes with the content creator business, but man, that was an insane 26 hour period of being awake in zombie mode let me tell you. XD

But yes, tomorrow will be spent on getting those updates caught up. I do apologize, these things do happen in life. @_@

On a more positive note, I want to say thank you to all you donators that have continued to stay around and those that have joined recently, as we've hit some huge big landmarks. Not only over 50 Donators in total, but we've past the $200 point today!

I can't tell how thankful I am to have arrived at this point. My mindset going into this year was the hope of reaching 50 and $200 by the end of the year, but you lovely people smashed that goal in just 4 months into the year! XD This helps so much with projects going forward and makes us 1 5th of the way towards the ultimate goal of making this a full time gig.

That said, guess I'm going to have to set my goals a little higher. By the end of the year, lets aim for $300 and 100 Donators! XD I will continue to create the works you the donators love to see, working towards that ultimate dream.

Thank you all once again. I have the best followers in the world, you guys. :)  


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