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Ahh yes, for a change it does not take me forever to draw Ash's newest crossdressing scenario (Only 2 weeks after the episode aired). XD

As for my thoughts, yeah I really like this version of Ashley. The original design will always be my favorite but this one at least look very close to the hair design, as a shorter version, and is blonde too. And for a change, Ashy boy's more embarrassed about it this time so that gets big points. Ohh and Mallow's face and the Alola trio in general during the whole thing, superb.

As we're now into the 5th crossing dressing Ash, here's my top 5

1. Ashley OG (Yes, 20 years later we can call her OG. XD But in general, she got me into Gender Bender art in the first place, so thats probably why she'll always be queen.

2. Nurse Ashley (See above)

3. Satomi Princess (I don't really want to call this one "Ashley" since the hair design is different from the normal blonder Ashley. Yeah they called her that in the Dub, unless maybe they meant "Ashlee" which could work like Satomi, but I'm just gonna go with Satomi. Its a princess, so it works.)

4. Ash Maid (This really needed a wig, otherwise its more just Ash in a maid get up. Cute, but yeah the wig thing needed to be added.)

5. Juliet Ash (The most forgotten about Crossdress Ash has done and that's probably why its so low. If it had been a known character, sure it might of been more popular much like Cilan's first crossdress, but as is its a Character of the Week its based on and a forgetful gimmicky one at that. I don't hate it, it was nice to see this become tradition after 6 seasons since OG Ashley, but I don't care that much for it.)

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