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 Having finally exited the Ilex Forest, the eighteen year old Coordinator Dawn scratched her arms like she had just awoke from a pleasant nap. The forest had been very dark so the feeling of sunlight of her skin was refreshing to say the least. Like her friend May, she was exploring the Johto region to compete in it's contests. Her usual rivals, Zoey, Ursula, Kenny and other were still training in Hoenn, but she had heard that May was in the region, so she hoped to bump into her at some point. Her next destination was Goldenrod City where she would explore the many facilities the big city had to offer. Dawn was looking forward to shopping at the world famous Goldenrod department store the most, maybe she could find new new outfits for her contests or a nice swimsuit for when she would finally reach Olivine City. Either way, she was looking forward to her time in Goldenrod.    
  As the blue haired trainer skipped along the path to the city, she noticed a large fenced field, with Miltank roam the field, which reminded her of the Maid Cafe from back home. The grass was the brightest green Dawn had ever seen and looked liked it stretched for miles.    
   “Wow, this field looks amazing!” Dawn walked up to the fence to get a better look. “This is much more interesting then that “Breeding Center” a mile back!”  
  Much to Dawn's delight, a Miltank in the field slowly walked up to her.  
   “Hi there!” Dawn petted the Miltank on the head from the fence. “You want a Poffin? I just baked them this mor...”  
  Before Dawn could finish her offer of food, the Miltank inflated a bubble from its mouth and towards Dawn's face, popping as it was a Yawn attack.    
   “Yawn?” Dawn began to feel all dizzy and her body beginning to shut down. “Since when could...Miltank....learn....Zzzz.”  
  Dawn slowly collapsed on the ground as she fell asleep, laying on the grass. Emerging from behind a tree was Whitney, who walked up to Dawn and Miltank.     
   “VERY well down Miltank.” Whitney grinned as she looked down at the sleeping Dawn and gave Miltank a berry. “I knew harassing that Move Tutor so much until he could teach you Yawn would pay off, even when he insisted Miltank could not learn that attack!”  
  After petting Miltank, Whitney got to work by picking up Dawn via a piggie back ride.    
   “Right, lets get to work on you then!”  
  After having a wonderful dream of winning the Grand Festival and receiving a victory kiss on the lips from Zoey, Dawn started to reawaken. Colder then before, she realized she was naked, even her hat and hair clips were gone, in a barn and unable to move, her wrists and ankles locked to holders, forcing her down on all fours.    
   “W-Wwhat is this?” Dawn tried to struggle. “Where am I, and where are my clothes?!?”  
  Looking from her surrounds, she saw she was not alone, with two familiar faces each next to her and down on all fours, but not bound.    
   “M-Misty? May?” Dawn looked wide eyed at the fact they were naked as well, wearing odd cow attire and their breasts were humongous. “Where are we, and what's happen to you two?”  
   “Mooo.” both girls responded back to Dawn.  
   “Come on, this isn’t funny!” Dawn was really panicking. “What on Sinnoh is going on?”      
   “Isn’t it obvious?” spoke a voice. Whitney then emerged out of the shadows, walking towards Dawn. “Your friends are now my human cows!”  
   “Human cows?” Dawn looked up at Whitney. “You can't be serious!”  
   “Oh but I am!” Whitney replied. “At first it was just to make the love of my life be all mine, but now I can't just stop there. Having two mindless cows to slave their milk and bodies over me was twice as arousing as one. Can you imagine what three, then a whole herd would be like?”  
   “Please, let me go!” Dawn pleaded. “I won't tell a soul about this place and what you've done to my friends!”  
   “Quick to just throw your friends away huh?” Whitney grinned. “Then again, you girls are always going places, you've rarely hooked up with these two I bet right? Anyway, you're right about one thing, you won't tell a soul.”  
  Whitney took out a small bottle of milk and a gag with a funnel attached to it, proceeding to strap it around Dawn's mouth who struggled at first, but Whitney's arms were too strong to resist for long. The gag forced Dawn's mouth open in an o shape with a small bit of the feeding pipe into her mouth, ensuring whatever Whitney fed her, Dawn had no option to refuse or spit out whatever went down her throat.    
   “Since I enjoyed how I turned that big breasted girl into my sexy Mooy, think I'll do it the same way with you!” Whitney popped off the cap to the bottle. “Bottom's up!”  
  Whitney poured the whole bottle's contents into the funnel which ran down into Dawn's forced open mouth. Even with no choice but to accept the liquid, Dawn found the taste so irresistible to denying it from her taste buds was even greater even without the gag, so she swallowed in big gulps like from a soda bottle. As she drank more and more, a sharpe pain hit Dawn's chest. At first she thought that something was pulling at her small breasts as they felt like they were getting heavier, but then she remembered exactly what happened to her friends' breasts. She wants so badly to stop drinking the milk, but her throat was not listening, gulping the milk down into her tummy so its effects could take form.  
  Once the milk was all gone, Whitney popped out Dawn's gag. The blue hair coordinator gasped for air before looking down at her chest, where two giant breasts hung nearly touching the floor.  
   “N-No!” Dawn moaned. “My breasts are....”  
   “So much better than that flatsvile you had!” Whitney grinned. “You can actually say you have boobs now!”  
   “Please...change me back!” Dawn cried, but her captor ignored her plea instead sitting on her back.  
   “You think I'd waste time on a cure dear?” Whitney grabbed at Dawn's enlarged breasts. “Now, lets get you milking!”  
   “Aaaaaahhhhh!” Dawn moaned, the increased sensitivity of her chest was increditible. Whitney was yanking hard at her nipples but instead of painful, it felt more like a massarge to her mellons. Whitney continued her attempted milking for awhile, soon her eger desire to milk a new cow turn to frustration and confusing.  
   “Hmm?” Whitnwy looked at her hands, dry as a bone. “....say, have you eaten today?”  
   “N-No...” Dawn moaned, her tongue hanging out. “I....skipped breakfast this morning so I could get to Goldenrod faster, then grab a bite to eat once I got there....”  
   “Well that sucks.” Whitney sighed, getting off of Dawn. “Welp, guess we're gonna have to do this the slow way.”     


As usual, keep in mind this is a work in progress, so spelling and grammar mistakes will be amended in the final release.

Apologies again for the missed weeks for Fanfic Previews. My workload did pile up a little in recent weeks but its back to a more normal level.

And we've recently hit a few Fanfic Accelerator Goals too! Thanks to new donators for as long as we stick to the current pledge amount you can expect further progress on;

The Got Milk Series
Sonic Transformed
Rocket Corruption at the Speed of Light

As we are hitting these goals faster than I expected, future Fanfic Accelerator Goals will be spread out a bit more just so we don't have a big backlog. I'll add new goals as we finish new chapters on the mentioned stories. ;)