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   “Just a few more miles, Glameow!” puffed Zoey, as her and her favorite Pokemon were walking to the next town for a new kind of Pokemon Contest being held. It was quite a long walk, but Zoey was used to the long walks she would take from town to town to enter Contests. As a bonus, she could enjoy the countryside and forests she would visit and maybe catch a Pokemon or 2 on the way. Glameow could of stayed in its Pokeball,  but it enjoyed the company of his Mistress when traveling.    
  The 2 were in a countryside setting walking next to an empty road. Every now and then a vehicle would pass by, but other then that it was largely not busy.  They were about 2-3 miles away from their destination and starting to get a little tired. It had been a long hot day and Zoey just wanted to get there and have a shower. Just then, a van drove pass Zoey at quick a speed. The van bounced slightly as it drove over a small rock, causing a box to jump out of the van. Zoey quickly ran over to the box.   “HEY!” She screamed to the van. “YOU DROPPED SOMETHING!”  No reply. The van drove into the distance unaware of the yell or missing package.     “Oh man, guess the postal service is going to get another complain.”  Zoey picked up the package and continued walking. She figured once she got to town, she would hand in the package to it would be on it's way to its receiver. Soon enough, Zoey arrived to a bus shelter where she decided to sit down and take a break.   “You should take a break too Glameow.” said Zoey, returning Glameow to it's Pokeball. While sitting on the bus bench, Zoey gazed at the package curiously.  She read the label, which read:   “To Butch and Cassidy, XXXXXX”  There was no address, only a secret code for Team Rocket packages that Zoey did not know about. Zoey lifted the box lid up to gaze upon the contents inside. To her surprise, she was greeted by a suit, one made to look like a familiar Pokemon.     “Huh? This is most unusual.” Zoey placed her hand under the suit to feel for anymore content. She found a manual with a front cover picturing a girl being suited up into a Milotic suit with the title "Turn Anyone into a Pokemon Sex Slave! By the TR Company". Zoey scrolled through the book, not fully reading the illustrations, but was slightly turned on by the pictured illustrations. “Hmm, must be some couple's fetish.” Just then, a bus drove up to the bus shelter. Zoey quickly shoved the manual back into the box and closed it. As the bus was there, Zoey figured she'd take the bus the rest of the way.
 The bus stopped off at the town Pokemon Centre. Zoey stepped off the bus and entered the Pokemon Centre where she was greeted by a familiar friend. “Hey Zoey!” “Dawn!” said a surprised Zoey. “I did not expect to see you here!” “What are you kidding me? I can't just turn down a Pokemon Contest!” “So, where's Ash and Brock?” “Oh yeah, well...” Dawn and Zoey sat down as Dawn explained where Ash and Brock were. The 2 were revisiting their friends May and Max for May's birthday. Sometime later, May had vanished without a trace. News had also gotten out that the Cerulean Gym Leader Misty had gone missing too. Brock and Ash split up to go look for them, but with no leeds or luck. Not to mention the 2 top Frontier Brains, Anabel and Greta, had recently gone missing as well.    “Man, that sucks that female trainers are going missing.” said Dawn. “Yeah, though I miss traveling with Ash and Brock, its so lonely without those 2.” “Nevermind, I ll keep you company while I'm here.” “Thanks Zoey!” “No problem. So did you find out what this special contest involves?” “Oh yeah, I'm sorry to say but it's a breeding contest.” “Aww, that's no good.” “I know, unless you have 2 of the same Pokemon, you cannot enter.” A Breeding Contest involves showing off your Pokemon's breeding skills rather then attacks. The judges rate technique, speed, length and the bond between the 2 Pokemon. The only rule that applied was that you need 2 of the same Pokemon, a male and female, both of which Dawn and Zoey lacked.
 Zoey and Dawn went to the room they would be staying in for the night in the Pokemon Centre. They were going to stay in town to at least watch the contest tomorrow. Zoey tossed her bag and package on the bed. “Man, I've been sweating bucket.” said an exorcised Zoey. “Mind if I hit the showers?” “Not at all.” replied Dawn Dawn gazed at the package on the bed. “Say, what's with the package?” “Oh that, it fell out the back of a moving truck. I was going to bring it to the postal office, but I guess it's shut by now, so I'll bring it over tomorrow.” “Oh okay.” said a curious Dawn.
 Zoey was in the shower, washing her wet naked body with the soap. She was thinking of the breeding contest and the disappointment of not be eligible for entry. She had 4 ribbons and only 1 to go before the Grand Festival.    “Damn, I'm so close, and yet I don't have 2 of a kind of a Pokemon. Even if I was able to catch one tomorrow morning, there'd be no time to practice and train with it.” Zoey signed, and then noticed one of her hands were cupped to one of her breasts. “Can't be doing any of that with Dawn around. Shame, I'd could of done with that.”
 Soon after, Zoey left the shower, dried herself off and wrapped the tower around herself. She entered back to the bedroom to a huge surprise! Dawn was completed naked, just standing in the room like she was standing to attention. Her eyes looked empty, like she was in a trance, while her nipples were rock hard and her pussy was dripping with hot juices.    “DAWN! W-w-what's gotten into you?!?” said a stunned Zoey. No reply, only Dawn's mouth opened with overflowing drool dripping out. Zoey's attention turned to the package, which has been opened. She noticed a container which disposed Pokefood when you click it. Zoey found the manual again to read what had happened to Dawn. The purpose of the suit was to turn somebody into a Pokemon! First you would put the suit on the unexpected victim, along with a seal chip that would translate everything the person said as Pokemon talk.  Once that was done, you would feed them a piece of Poke food that would put them into a hypnotic trance and then after saying the certain words, they would think they were a mating Pokemon. Dawn must of thought the food was candy. “Oh Dawn, there you go thinking with your sweet tooth again!” Zoey also read that there was a piece of Pokefood that would cancel the effects incase of an emergency, a white coloured one that looked like white chocolate. Zoey found the food in the hard to find compartment of the box. She was about to feed the food to Dawn, when it struck her, this could pull off as a entry to a certain contest. “...am I really that desperate to use a friend in this way?” Zoey had worked really hard to get where she was. After the special breeding contest, there was only 1 more contest before the Grand Festival and if she lost that, she would have to wait a whole year for the next Sinnoh contest, a whole year! Dawn had also 4 ribbons, so at least this way, they both had a chance to enter the Festival. Zoey decided to test the effects of the food before considering.    “Dawn, stand on one leg.” Dawn obey Zoey and stood on one leg. “Now, play with your breasts.” Dawn cupped her breasts with her hands, drooling even more while doing so. “Okay now stop.” Dawn stopped. “Tell me Dawn, are you still a virgin?” Dawn shook her head. “So, you've had sex before?” Dawn nodded. “With Ash?” Dawn nodded again. “How many times?” Dawn moved her fingers up. “10 times! My, you do you quite horny don't you?” Dawn nodded once more.    “And you are enjoying yourself right now?” Dawn nodded one last time. Zoey felt confident with her plan now. It was certain that Dawn had sex before and enjoyed it very much. There was no guarantee that she would still be friends with her after this, but then it was Dawn's fault for opening the box and eating what wasn't hers, now she would be punished.    Zoey got the suit out of the box and began dressing Dawn into it. She slipped Dawn's legs into the suit. It was quite easy as Dawn was standing up and not struggling, but the suit was quite tight. Once the legs and whist were slotted in, she began inserting the arms by pulling the back of the suit. Once in, Zoey let go, snapping it in place. She made sure Dawn's breasts were properly in and then looked at her to admire her handy work. She even pulled the tail and let go to admire the bounce it had. Next up, Zoey placed the seal onto Dawn's neck. “Now, say something.” “Glameow, Glameow!” replied Dawn. “Excellent.”     Zoey completed the dress up by pulling the hood over Dawn's head. She was no longer reconcilable as Dawn anymore. She was now a Glameow with a human shaped body! No holes, except invisible ones for breathing and ones for toilet duties, revealed it was Dawn. Dawn slowly fell to the floor as it began to feel hard standing on 2 feet. Now, she was on all fours. She was a Glameow in boy, but not in mind just yet. It was time for the words. Zoey incerted two fingers into Dawn and began fingering her. Dawn became aroused by this. “You are a pokemon. You are a special pokemon. You are a mating pokemon. You’ve never been anything but a mating pokemon. Your only purpose is to breed with other pokemon as often as you can. You are an Glameow. You eat like a Glameow, you sleep like a Glameow, and you act like a Glameow. You can’t fight. You don’t fight. You don’t like to fight. You’re not a fighting pokemon, you’re a mating pokemon. All you can do is mate. All you can think about is mating. You don’t like pokeballs. You don’t go in a pokeball. You can’t go in a pokeball. You love your owner. You obey your owner. You always obey your owner. You want to obey your owner. You do whatever your owner tells you to do. You always do whatever your owner tells you to do. You’re horny. You’re always horny. You’re constantly horny. The only time you don’t feel horny is after you’ve had sex. You want to have sex. You need to have sex. You can’t think about anything but having sex. You want to climax. You need to climax. Climaxing makes you feel good. When you climax, you don’t feel horny for a while. It’s good to be horny. It’s good to mate. It’s good to obey. Having sex feels good. Climaxing feels good. Obeying feels good. After you climax, you will fall asleep. When you wake up, these commands will be all that matters to you. They will be all that you think about. And I will be your new owner.” Dawn came as she was reprogrammed into Glameow, the mating Pokemon. Gone with her human thoughts and emotions, now replaced with Pokemon thoughts and mating. “Right Glameow, before we begin, there's something I like you to do.” Zoey threw away the towel she was wearing, revealing her naked body to the female Glameow. Zoey laid on the bed with her legs wide open. “Now, lick your mistress!” Glameow intently obeyed and she launched herself onto the bed, with her head landing a critical hit onto Zoey's pussy and began licking.    “Oh yeah, right there!” Puffed a hot Zoey, playing with her own breasts from the sensation going down downstairs. Glameow's warm wet tongue felt so good inside of Zoey.      


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