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   “I'm home!” Dawn announced as she opened the door to her home.  
  The blue haired coordinator had arrived back to her home in Twinleaf Town after a long journey travelling the Johto region. She had journeyed far and wide across the region competing in contests while seeing everything the Johto region had to offer in terms of places to see and things to do. The eighteen year old even got to see her contest friends again like Zoey, Ursula and Nando, as well as facing them in contest battles. The competition was farce this time around, once again getting second place as Dawn was only beaten by the home town girl Marina, an idol among the contest scene. Despite the loss, Dawn's no need to worry attitude ensured she was not down about it and she just thought of the journey she really enjoyed. It was lonely without Ash and Brock but she was considering visiting Kalos sometime to see Ash again, as the next contest season was not for ages. For now however, Dawn just wanted to sit down and relax as the walk from the shipping port in Canalave City. Her legs feeling like jelly, even Piplup head on past her to go lay down on the couch.    
   “Hey.....mom?” Dawn called as she kicked her bright pink boots off and walked into the house. Her mother was nowhere to be seen as she walked into the front room then the kitchen. “That's weird, I left her plenty of messages telling her I would be home today.”  
  One thing Dawn did notice was the house was a little dusty, like it had not been cleaned for a week or two, noticing the dust her finger collected up on surfaces. Even Piplup was coughing up some dust from the cloud that formed after he jumped onto the couch.    
   “Mom never leaves the house this dirty.” Dawn was puzzled. “What on earth is going on?”  
  It was then she noticed the blinking light on the video phone indicating there were ten messages received on the answering machine. Dawn knew she left her three or four.    
   “Just how long have you've been gone mom?” Dawn walked over to the phone but before she could even press the button to listen to the messages, it began to ring.  She picked up the receiver to answer the call. “Hello?”      
   “Oh hi-y Dawny!” the person on the phone answered.  
   “Mom?” Dawn looked up at the screen, disappointed to see no picture, only “Audio Only” appear on the screen. “Where are you? Are you alright?”  
   “Oh sure honey!” her mother replied. “I erm, like knew you were coming home but I forgot like, the exact day silly me!”  
   “You sure you're okay mom, you sound a bit...weird.” Dawn was confused, her mother never in her life called her “Dawny” and she had a somewhat valley girl thing going on in her talking.    
   “Absolutely sweetie, I'm just at work having a totally awesome time!” Johanna reassured her daughter.    
   “Work? You've not had a job since like before I was born!” Dawn was surprised.    
   “Well I bringing you up of course silly!” Johanna giggled. “Yeah, I totally got this awesome new job which is another reason I'm calling. We're under staff today because my coworkers left to go to some meeting thingy and left me in-charge of the place but I need an extra set of hands to like, handle the customers!”  
   “Aww but mom, I just this moment got back home!” the coordinator moaned. “I wanted to rest for a little and catch up on how we've been doing these past months!”  
   “Aww we can do that later Dawny!” the mother spoke. “I really could do with your help right now. And I'm like, the mother so like you know, we know best or something...”  
   “Okay then.” Dawn sighed. “Where is your place of work?”  
   “Just outside of Sandgem City dear, you'll know when you see it!” Johanna gave directions.    
   “Alright, I'll try and get there within the hour.”    
   “Wonderful sweetie! I'll see you then, love ya lots!”  
  The screen switched off ended the phone call. Knowing her mother was safe only opened a can of more questions for the teen trainer. Why did she had a job now, and why was the house left in such a dusty state for so long? Had she been working all this time, and what was with her speech, she almost sounded like....like a.....  
  Dawn shook her head at the thought and walked back to her boots to put them back on.    
   “Hey Piplup, you keep Glameow company while I go help mom out okay?” Dawn told her favorite Pokemon. “She should be in her Pokeball in mom's bedroom most likely.”  
   “Piplup pip!” the penguin Pokemon replied as if to say Yes Dawn. And with that, Dawn headed out once again.  
  Luckily for Dawn, Sandgem Town was not too far off, and was even quicker to get to thanks to the new bike her mom brought her as a present for doing so well in the Johto Contests. For her it felt great to finally try out her new bike, it felt like forever since she last rode a bike, her old one being destroyed by a certain someone's Pikachu. As the Sinnoh air breezed though her hair as she cycled to her mom's work, Dawn realized just how much she missed her home region. Familiar faces, places she had not seen let alone been to in forever, it all brought back those memories of those years traveling with her best friends. That most wonderful time in her life despite the struggles in the beginning made her forget the current concerns about her mom for a short while. It might of seemed selfish, but the nostalgia really struck Dawn hard. Perhaps maybe asking Ash to travel with him again would create more wonderful memories...  
  Dawn's trip down memory lane came to a hault when she stopped outside the address her mom gave her over the phone. The build she stood before was not one she had seen before.    
   “Hoot....Hoots?” Dawn's head turned sideways as she looked at the sign confused. “Is this some kind of Hoothoot themed resturant or something?”  
  Her mother could not hav gotten into any serious debt, right? Dawn knew all her mother's years as a well known coordinator ensure they were well off for years to come, even Dawn was starting to have her own savings from her career of contests. Tirering of all these questions, Dawn walked inside.    
   “HI DAWN-Y!!!!” Her mother greeted her as Dawn walked in.    
   “M-MOM?!?” Dawn's jaw hit the floor. She had never seen her mother dressed like their, sporting a very short white tank top with the HootHoots logo on the front, and short neon orange shorts that failed to hide the black thong she was also wearing. It was not the only thing that took Dawn by surprised, her mother seems to have grown bigger in some areas, her breasts barely contained in that top with such deep cleavage, and a butt so big a peachy that it was now bigger then Dawn's “big booty”.. “Why are you...MRRPPH!”  
  Dawn could hardly get a word in when her mom when to hug her.    
   “Aww its sooooo good to see you my Dawny Wawny!” Johanna hugged her daughter so tightly. “Its been like, forever since I last saw you!”  
   “MOOOOM!” Dawn muffled as her head was stuck in her mother's huge cleavage. “CAN'T....BREATH!!!”  
   “Oopsy!” Johanna let go of her daughter as Dawn gasped for air. “Sowee Dawny, sometimes I forget I have such big boobies!”  
   “....well those are definitly not fake.” Dawn caught her breath. “But mom, why are you working her, and WHAT happened to you?”  
   “Aww details details.” Johanna waved her hand to change the subject. “I can explain over work.”  
   “Work? You mean...” Dawn pointed at herself fearing the worst.  
   “Ahh huh.” Johanna nodded her head. “Its just for today. The gals thought I'd be okay on my own since its like, not all that busy on a Sunday, but all these customers came outta nowhere, some convention or something, they all talk so boringly. Anyhoo, just follow my lead and you'll be fine!”  
   “I dunno mom, something about this all seems....”  
  Again not being allowed to finish, her mom got behind her and guided her to the back.  
   “Aww you'll be fine at this! Its sooo much fun and super easy!” the mother assured Dawn.  
   “Hey wait, mom I never....” Dawn pleaded but there was no changing her mother's mind.  
  After a short while, the two reamered from the back. Daen walked out now wearing a matching outfit like her mother. The teen looked down to hide her blushing face. She had never in her life ever dressed to be “sexy” and felt so much like a child next to her huge mother. Her hat and hair clips were taken off, leaving her hair naturally down. Her mother picked out the smallest sized uniform she could find, but the top felt very baggy on Dawn, more to fit someone of a much bigger bust then Dawn, not her small B Cup breasts. The shorts on the other hand fitted her big butt perfectly. Not that it was a good thing as the thong she was forced into putting on was out there for the world to see.  
   “Mom, I really don't....” Dawn tried her best to talk her way out of this perdicament.    
   “Okay sweetie, just watch me serve some customers for a bit, then you walk in and do exactly the same!” Joanna walked off to serve more customers as Dawn just watched.    



Please  keep in mind that this is a Work in Progress so there's likely to be  spelling and grammar mistakes that will be corrected in the future.

Like what you've read and have maybe an idea/suggestion for the story? Leave a comment below and I'll read and consider it. ;) 


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