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Fanfic Previews will return next Saturday. I know, a lot of you look forward to those but that leads us to the good news.

The entire Cleanser comic is now up on Patreon! Took awhile, but all remaining 20 pages are up right now! The reason for this is because we hit the Patreon Goal that meant it all got uploaded at once! :)

So from next Saturday, that's it for Cleanser uploads.....apart from one more which will be a MEGA Zip folder with every single page and variation to make it easier for those that want to read or download it, but do not want to scroll though the entire Cleanser tag or download every individual Zip.

Then there's the $500 goal, The Cleanser Remastered. Should we ever hit that goal, I will remake the comic from scratch as a thank you to all that donated. It will look so much better, and retain all the things you loved about the original. ;) Also for a $200 goal, I'll retell the entire story in fanfic form. ;)

But yeah, since that goal's so far away, you won't see Cleanser uploads for a looooong time. XD Saturdays will be purely Fanfic Previews after next Saturday. ;)

Speaking of Fanfics, I'm in the process of setting up a second screen (Well, putting my writer's notebook next to my main laptop. XD) on my desk, so that I have a fanfic up at all times for those times when I feel a burst of creative energy. Previously, Wednesdays were my fanfic writing days (Hence the Classic Uploads on Wednesday) and I would show what I typed on the following Saturday, but there have been Wednesdays where I've either been too busy or creatively can't find the energy to type anything, which is why I did fill some weeks with unfinished fics. With this new set up, I should be writing new fanfic content little by little every day, as well as the dedicated Wednesday and getting them out faster.

And with the Cleanser out of the picture, this just frees me up even more and more. ;)

Tomorrow's New Character Sunday will be up as usual. I'm aware the Royal Rumble is tomorrow night, but I'll be sure you all at least won't be left HANGING (Hint hint.;) )  


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