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   “I'd like to thank you girls again for agreeing to take part.” Juniper spoke. “If we can make this invention work, we'll all be stinking rich!”  
   “No problem Professor!” Iris replied. “I'm just happy we could help.”  
  Iris had invite her new friends, Misty, May and Dawn, to the Unova region to hang out when she got a phone call from Professor Juniper asking for assistance. “Being a good friend to her, Iris agreed to help out as did her friends, as any friend of Ash and Iris's was certainly a friend of Misty, May and Dawn's. The five women walked into a laboritory where Dr Fennel, another friend of Ash and Iris, was waiting for them next to a weird machine with four seats.  
   “Ahh good, you finally arrived!” Fennel smiled happily.  
   “So Professor, what is this invention you were talking about?” Dawn asked, looking at the machine in front of them.  
   “Yeah, is this it?” May asked, pointing at the machine.    
   “That's right.” Juniper replied. “You see, Dr Fennel specializes in trainers, Pokemon and their dreams, and we've been friends since college.”    
   “Oh I would of thought we were more then just”friends” Aurea!” Fennel winked at the Professor.    
   “Yes, well anyway, funny enough this machine came to me in a dream funny enough when I fell asleep while looking on ChatotBook. What if there was a social website you could visit while asleep? When you fall asleep, you mind logs into a sort of dream version of the internet and you can meet and greet real people within your own dream like a dream bubble of socializing!” Juniper explained. “And that's where this machines comes into it!”  
   “Using Dream Mist, I was able to use this machine to create a dream cloud with it for socializing with four people sat in there seats.” Fennel continued on. “If we can successfully have you four girls have a conversation with each other inside of the dream bubble, we'll can work on perfecting it.”  
   “And then that's when we sell out idea and be very rich! You girls will also be famous for being the first to try out our “Dreambook” service and we'll even give you each a cut of the profits too!”  
   “I dunno.” Misty looked puzzled. “Doesnt it sound a little dangorus to be doing that? I dunno if I want to end up screwing my mind up...”  
   “Oh come on Misty, I have faith in these two.” Iris tried to cheer up Misty. “And beside, they are researchers and scientists, what could go wrong?”  
   “Yes, and all our tests show it should work, we just need to try it out on humans now.” Juniper also reassured Misty.  
   “Well, I guess it'll be okay then...” Misty let her worries fade away.     


Please  keep in mind that this is a Work in Progress so there's likely to be  spelling and grammar mistakes that will be corrected in the future.

Like what you've read and have maybe an idea/suggestion for the story? Leave a comment below and I'll read and consider it. ;) 


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